1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-02-25 15:47:37
英 [ˌəʊ el ˈes]
美 [ˌoʊ el ˈes]

abbr. 正常最小二乘方(ordinary least squares); 在线服务(On-Line Service)

  • We are discussing whether OLS estimator satisfy asymptotic normality.


  • When the telephone rings, some new OLs or OGs ( Office Ladies or gentlemen) will get upset.


  • Based on the characteristic of each technology, we can combine the OBS and OLS to form the LOBS.


  • The potential applications of OLS are the areas of machine learning, knowledge acquisition, specification deve…


  • To compare PLS with principal component regression (PCR) and ordinal least square regression (OLS) by a medical case.


  • This is quite large, and is far from the zero residual autocorrelation that an OLS analysis of these data would require.


  • The T-S fuzzy model's parameters are identified by methods of fuzzy C mean(FCM) and orthogonal least-squares(OLS) online or otherwise.


  • In this paper, the effects of OLS method and WLS method in analysis of one-way nested design with unequal subclass numbers are examined.

    对 普通最小二乘法和加权最小二乘法在不等重复单因素系统分组试验中的分析效果进行了比较研究。

  • And then, it formulates an OLS model to further analyze and testify the relationship between banking sector structure and credit rationing.


  • To prove that OLS estimators are asymptotically efficient, one needs to (1) present an estimator that is consistent but its variance is larger.


  • For Him: Examining men's fashion from a women's perspective; introducing fashionable trends and items, helping OLs to beautify their significant other.


  • Using household's vulnerability and its five decompositions to regress a set of household's variables by OLS method, this paper gets two important results.


  • OLS is a research project that is focused on building "social software" that enables informal learning communities to form around existing open educational content.


  • But many economists use static OLS regression method to test Precautionary savings and Liquidity constraints hypo these and some of them mixed long-run and short-run.


  • T S fuzzy model is constructed for nonlinear system in this paper, and orthogonal least squares (OLS) method is used to identify the parameters of fuzzy ruler consequents.

    对非线性系统建立T-S模糊模型,并用正交最小二乘法( OLS)对模糊规则的后件参数进行辨识。

  • The fundamental premise of OLS is that full educational opportunity requires a user to have the social access to other people who can answer questions and provide support.


  • The study also finds that unobserved effects, sample selection bias and measurement errors play important role on results, and OLS really underestimates yield of schooling.


  • International researches mainly include population estimation from the land cover data, DMSP-OLS night light data or spectrum information directly afforded by the Remote Sensing images.

    国外研究主要包括从遥感解译信息反演人口数据、从DMSP - OLS夜间灯光数据反演人口数据和从遥感获取的光谱特征直接反演人口数据。

  • Moreover, this research found that as labor migration of China has significant space conglomeration effect, Spatial Error model is fitter to analysis of this phenomenon than OLS model is.


  • The core technology of OLS is using the optical label to establish the transmission path for the data, so we can avoid the complex route management and improve the data transmission rate.


  • RBF neural network method using OLS algorithm for Multi-user Detection in DS-CDMA Systems is pro-posed, and the theoretic basis and simulation analysis capability are given int his paper.

    分析了采用正交最小二乘(ols)算法的RBF神经网络应用于DS - CD MA扩频通信的多用户检测的问题,给出了基于RBF网络进行多用户检测的理论依据和仿真分析性能。

  • After summarizing research actuality of quantile regression inside and outside our country, this article introduces this ideal model and realization method, and compares it with OLS and LAD.


  • Combining the new measure with the forward regression orthogonal least square (OLS), not only the parameters of the classification hyperplane, but also the important input nodes can be obtaind.
