For Lion, there will be a Mac App Store.
Mac app store: Apple software tends to do best.
The Mac App Store went live in 90 countries Thursday offering more than 1,000 apps and programs.
Opened Mac app Store on Jan 6. Available in more than 90 countries, features over 1, 000 free and paid apps.
The Mac app store will borrow the existing model used in the app store and apply it to program downloads (Mac apps).
Mac App store将采用App store现有的模式,提供Mac应用程序下载。
With just two days until Apple is set to unveil the Mac App Store, details are still thin on the ground as to what we can actually expect from it.
Once the download is complete it gets added to the dock (I hate that the Mac App Store does that) but you can also find it in the Applications folder.
一旦下载完成后,其就会被添加到Dock中(我讨厌Mac App Store的这种做法),但你也可以在Applications目录中找到它。
Mac sales have slowed, but Apple continues to prosper thanks to the iPhone, now in its third generation, and an app store that rivals are rushing to copy.
Courier is another perfect fit for the App Store, with a very "Mac-like" look and a streamlined, stylish interface.
Courier是另一个App Store的完美作品,拥有“很Mac”的外观以及简单,极具个性的界面。
They relate, according to Mueller, to the Mac Dashboard and to content recommendations provided by iTunes, the App Store and Apple TV.
穆勒表示,这些指控针对的是Mac Dashboard应用程序以及iTunes、App Store和苹果电视向用户推荐内容的方式。