"From 1986 to 2005, the annual administration expense on per head increased 23 times, while GDP increased only 14."6 times.
The Roosevelt Administration believed that rebuilding the nation's soil was in the national interest and was not simply a plan to help farmers at the expense of other citizens.
As administrative overhead rises, so the earnings of the business, after meeting the expense of administration.
So the earnings of the business, after meeting the expense of administration, will fall.
The administration of employee's expense accounts is very time-consuming.
Conclusion Oral administration of Xiaohuasan combined point injection of VB12 is effective for infantile diarrhea, which has higher cure rate and lower expense.
结论消化散胶囊口服配合VB 12穴位注射治疗婴幼儿腹泻见效快,治愈率高,费用低。