Podiums are Not for professionals.
Get rid of the chairs and put some podiums in the room.
We need to have some consistency and more podiums if possible.
We have to stay calm, and in these seven races get as many podiums as possible.
No more podiums as they obstruct communication between the preacher and audience.
These days they are popping up on front pages and conference podiums all over the world.
We need to keep pushing for the last six RACES, trying to be back in the fight for wins or at least as many podiums as possible.
The products are displayed within a large shelving unit or on podiums, all made from the same light-coloured wood used to build the service counter.
Six wins, six poles, four podiums and 97 points may not be ground-breaking statistics, but then you wouldn't expect records in a season as competitive as this.
The sweeping, staggered profiles of the retail podium respond to the bustling streets surrounding the Centre, as if the podiums were sculpted by these dynamic forces.
There are podiums of different heights. Most podiums provide room to sit down, but the one located between the third and fourth floors is installed only for climbing.
Drivers Michael Schumacher and Nico Rosberg, however, are keen to downplay any concerns and are optimistic that the team could well notch up podiums and wins this year.
Others opted for even thriftier “presentations”, where models were hired to stand on podiums like mannequins for a few hours, or to mingle with the ordinary mortals in the crowd.
This paper discusses the effects of internal force and the settlement of plate on ground and counterforce on pile of main towers and podiums with settlement joints between them.
Others opted for even thriftier "presentations", where models were hired to stand on podiums like mannequins for a few hours, or to mingle with the ordinary mortals in the crowd.