The popularity of these novels consolidated Dickens as a nationally and internationally celebrated man of letters.
First published in 1783, this reference book by the American man of letters Noah Webster remained a bestseller in the U.S. throughout the 19th century.
He was known as a man of letters.
He is a man of letters.
Shakespeare was perhaps Britain's greatest man of letters .
He was a man of letters with no interest in current affairs .
I suppose, Watson, we must look upon you as a man of letters.
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was an American man of letters.
亨利·大卫·梭罗(1817 - 1862)是一位美国文学家。
Mr Miller gave up his career as a doctor to become a man of letters.
Confucius is known as a respectable and memorable great man of letters.
One night a blushing, stammering young man of letters was introduced to him.
He is an eminent man of letters with a cushy gig at an Ivy League institution.
As a man of letters, Fraser tends to emphasise rhetoric at the expense of reality.
He was a pure man of letters, untimely born in a world that had no need of letters.
他是个地道的文人, 不逢时地生在一个不需要学问的世界里。
Li Zhi was a well-Known thinker, educator and man of letters in the Later Qing Dynasty.
李贽是明代后期 名 震朝野的异端思想家、著 名文学家和教育家。
then he asked me, “You’ve written many, many books. How can you say you’re not a man of letters?”
In so faithfully maintaining and adding to it, he has earned a place apart as a contemporary man of letters.
It was then the fashion in Bengal to assign each man of letters a place in comparison with a supposed compeer in the West.
Xie Fangde is a famous man of letters, a scholar of poetic appreciation and an outstanding national hero in the early Yuan Dynasty.
As a matter of fact, any man of letters a bit good at writing in a language will find little difficulty in writing accurately and fluently .
Generally speaking, as an influential painter and man of letters, Bian is worthy of being further studied from the aspects of painting characteristics and aesthetics.
Warburg was a man of letters and, for the most part, high moral principle, in stark contrast to the reckless moneymen who more recently have pushed banking to the precipice.
The monk said to the man of letters, the lady on the beach was your fiancee's preexistence, and you are the second man in the mirror who had given her a piece of clothing.
His previous pre-election work, “Testimony”, sold well and was his fifth title, even though he was then cultivating a blokeish, football-playing image, not that of a man of letters.
Fu Shan, a noble-minded, devoted-to-the-past-dynasty thinker of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, is also a man of letters with outstanding sagacity and fruitful literary works.
Hou Fangyu, a man of letters a the beginning of Qing Dynasty, took the imperial examination eight years after Shunzhi was enthroned, which became the point at issue of evaluating his integrity.
And the symbols are only letters. So a of X says that X is a man.