Stable electric insulation to reduce cathodic protection current.
The design of highly reliable electric insulation makes the reliability improved significantly.
The electric insulation is realized through setting insulating sheet or painting insulating lacquer.
By adding various additives, properties of new PU sole such as abrasion resistance, oil resistance, electric insulation, antis.
According to design requirements, edge-covering can be applied in graphite film cutting, endowing it with excellent electric insulation.
PC is really excellent as for impact strength, tenacity, electric insulation and dimension stability and has broad operation temperature range.
The necessity of tank cathodic protection is detailed and impact of tar sand and electric insulation on cathodic protection system is highlighted.
Because of its high elasticity and electric insulation, rubber can be used in making tires, shock absorbers, airproof loops and electric insulation.
Because of its high elasticity and electric insulation, rubber can be used in making tires, shock absorbers, airproof loops and electric insulation.
A liquid aromatic diamine cured epoxy system with very good high temperature and electric insulation properties is found after experiment and production.
UL94V level, the highest anti-flaming level for plastic, is reached. And it will not burn when meeting with open flame as well as good electric insulation.
Meanwhile, the surface of the hand-holding power tool is smooth and clean, the tensile strength is high, electric insulation is safer, and the use life is long.
Electric insulation plays a very important role in high voltage electrical equipment. The insulation state directly determines the stability of electrical system.
Can be used for thermal insulation, sound insulation, heat preservation, boiler, chemical plants, steel casting aluminum plant, etc and general electric insulation.
When electric insulation is required, non-metallic coating, protective non-metallic tube or insulating joint, etc., can be adopted for the insulation implementation.
A surface modification has been made by silane for the electronic device base sealed by B-1E glass. The electric insulation performance of the glass surface is well improved.
The print circuit wafer uses the vanguard technology and the equipment production with the processing glass cloth, has the fine electric insulation performance and workability.
In 1980, the institute and Beijing municipal electrical factory has successfully developed line frequency coreless bathroom plug stem bottom note type electric insulation casting.
EA-5555J was suitable for injection process and its properties were the same as that of German PF2836. It was mainly applied in making low voltage electric insulation structure parts.
Introduced selecting type scheme of the laboratory equipments which electric insulation tests, and the trial principle of the equipments, and function characteristics of the equipments.
In hardware aspect, this paper use optical-electric insulation method stronger the signal of optical-electric encoder and insulate the infection of out load for main circuit successfully.
Because of frequent setup and disassembly, cleaning and autoclaving steam sterilization, the steam is infiltrated into the ultrasonic handpiece, resulting in failure of electric insulation.
Young men were stripping the insulation from electric cables with their teeth and taping the wiring together to light naked bulbs.
The fuzzy logic-neural network is used to analyze the tendency of insulation parameter change of HV(High Voltage) electric equipment.
Insulation Insulation is non-conductive material used to prevent leakage of electric current from a conductor.
It can be applied in on-line insulation status monitoring system for HV electric equipment with the veracity and reliability ensured.