If our findings persist, we may be faced with a financial crisis among elderly people who can't pay off their credit cards.
Perhaps you will never be faced with this kind of choice.
At some point we may be faced with the rationing of air miles;
Wherever you go, you'll always be faced with the same problem.
If we do not buy Japanese goods, Japan will be faced with the collapse and disintegration!
But if the house is too old, you may be faced with expensive repairs and renovation bills.
What are the challenges that we are gonna be faced with to actually do this as a management team?
If you take the time to store your foods properly, you will not be faced with bad or moldy foods.
Either way, you will be faced with the decision of how best to migrate your AIX system to the newer device.
Chasing down the original sources, only to be faced with 'that' symbol again and again was too much effort.
When you study in a foreign country, you'll be faced with new circumstances, environments, and predicaments.
Now each will be faced with un-cleared karma which may act itself out before they come to release it in full.
No one wanted to quite frankly solve a financial bankruptcy and be faced with technological drought down the road.
These questions are just some examples of the challenges you may be faced with when trying to implement a BI project.
This is a hard question to ask, because you'll be faced with your weaknesses right there in the midst of the interview.
In such a complex environment, you may be faced with an overwhelming excess of information with which to diagnose a fault.
Managers will be faced with the tough decisions of how best to meet existing budget needs while still planning for the future.
Just because you don't fashion yourself as John Rambo doesn't mean you might not be faced with a situation like the one above.
When you see the task as a challenge rather than a burden, you'll get a lot more excited about the things you're to be faced with.
Says one recent seller, “Some day the people who are buying are bound to be faced with the same problem we had – getting rid of this stuff.”
It is the first critical choice a child has to learn because it is a choice they will be faced with over and over at every stage in their life.
Here is another reason why you cannot live your life based in fear: you will be faced with what will appear to be some of your greatest tests.
We’d be faced with a horde of peculiar looking devices headed by a host of small, cute and bipedally mobile Japanese robots, including Asimo and Wakamaru.