Generally a brief note or a phone call will suffice.
《牛津词典》Other choices, in descending order of personalization, are: a real-time phone call, a voice-mail message, a handwritten note, a typewritten letter, and the most unfriendly is email.
A thank-you note or telephone call after the visit is also considered polite and is an appropriate way to express your appreciation for the invitation.
Note that it is not valid to use the device parameter when starting a conference call.
One thing to note: the first element of the arrray is the top of the call trace, not the last.
I call X, trying to keep the note of complaint out of my voice.
Please note that it is not a good practice to call API utility functions from this method.
He still had more work to do on the west side, and as he'd put the tools away earlier he'd made a mental note to call and have some more timber delivered.
Note: I conclude some of my tips with boxed information I call an "additional tip."
Note that some systems, notably Ubuntu, call this Remote Desktop.
注意,一些系统,特别是 Ubuntu,将其称作远程桌面(Remote Desktop)。
The Web service you will call at runtime has a URL, which you will need to note.
Note that you want to call them in your diary, otherwise you may forget!
If you can't see them or call them, then send them a hand-written note or a thank-you card. And if you feel the situation warrants it, then send a gift.
Be prompt and well prepared for your follow up call or meeting and take the time to write them a thank you note.
Note also that this call will update all rows that match the criteria, not just one of them.
Note how the signature is passed as the first argument to the method call.
It's important to note that the call that fails with an error might not be the cause of the error, which could have happened much earlier.
Note, of course, that this call stack will be optimized in the ways described earlier.
Note their deadlines so you can call when the pressure is off.
Note: some people might call this meditation, but that word scares some people off, so we're just going to call it breathing.
I would write a friendly message on a post-it note and then call her as soon as I arrived back at my office, interrupting her phone call.
Benjamin: the note says you should call your manager first, and then tell him your reason, and then ask him for the approval.
"As the data flow has improved, we had been leaning toward bumping up our global growth call," Harris wrote in a note to clients Wednesday.
Note the client doesn't call the logging methods.
Note that only a single API call is needed in order to update several rows in the database table.
注意,更新数据库表中的数行只需一个 API 调用。
Note: the JFace framework will call these methods.
Note that the println call needs to be moved into a method so that it can be invoked from the handler.
Note the call to the usage function; this lets the user know the correct way to call the utility.
Note that the child process never returns from the call to execv.