It's an interaction effect.
The interaction effect is significant at the 01 level.
Network environment; Library service; Interaction effect.
网络环境; 图书馆服务; 互动效应。
The extremely densified region accounts for mainly to the interaction effect.
Let me start briefly by mentioning a possibility for a positive interaction effect.
The interaction effect of PK under both water condition were similar on three soils.
The genetic effects controlling heading days are additive and environment interaction effect.
Digital desktop, digital wall, stunning display real-time interaction effect between the two can be.
There is also a discussion on evaluating the bound in considering the interaction effect in seismic analysis.
The effects of achievement motivation and goal attained or not had interaction effect on students' pressure attributions;
The interaction effect of study goals and interpersonal relationships only had significant influence on satisfaction of life.
So, it's possible that the very fact that we're going to die causes an interaction effect with our life so there's an upside to it.
There were significant main effect of grade and interaction effect between gender and major on the trait of openness to experience.
Discusses the interaction effect among digital reference service, information technology, users and other reference service organizations.
The model of interaction effect, including pipingsoilanchorage, has been built by analyzing the forces exerted on buried piping elbow with FEM.
There was interaction effect between temperature and nutrition condition on the longevity of A. theivorae, but none was found on S. soriceicornis.
The interaction effect of task type and navigation on information searching performance in hierarchical hypertext was explored in the present study.
Furthermore, the correction of electron-phonon interaction effect on the energies of the electron makes the peak shift to the aspect of the high energy.
It is the fundamental reason why the calculated values of settlement and interaction effect, according to elastic theory, are larger than those measured.
Model 3 tests the full model with interaction effect between network constraint and the two team dynamics variables—strategic consensus and team cohesion.
测试收集约束和两个小组动态变量之间的互作效应的完好模子的模子 3 — 计谋的协商分歧和团队凝集力。
Significant substance use, age and educational level interaction effect were found regarding total mobile time(P<0.05) and number of migrated city(P<0.000).
Based on the analysis of the functions and the types of the library interaction effect, this paper provides a concrete solution to the realization of this effect.
Analyses shown that the blade row interaction effect is influenced by the characteristics of disturbance propagation and relative axial position of the blade row.
The stable characteristics of male to female or female to male lead a significant interaction effect within the evaluators' and evaluation of objects' gender on halo effect.
An interaction effect exists among linguistic knowledge, strategic competency and emotional factors in subjective language usage, which then affects the communicative result.
Interaction effect of n, p, K is positive to soybean's growth. According to these characteristics, we can provide theoretical basis for reasonable technology of applying fertilizer.
Conclusion Our findings suggested that HCC followed a multifactorial mode rather than single inheritance. An interaction effect of inheritance and environment on HCC was also noticed.
There existed a great significant negative correlation between the days from tillering to heading and the "average" light temperature accumulation, displaying a temperature light interaction effect.