1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-02-23 03:16:20
英 [ˈfʌndə]


  • Saif looked less like a hedge funder and more like a fist-pumping militant in fatigues.


  • What is a common mistake producers make when trying to interest potential funder?


  • With P2P lending, the main motivation for the funder is a (higher) financial return.

    P 2 P借贷中,投资人的主要动机是获得(更高的)收益。

  • " Nevertheless, Funder said, the movie is a "superb film" despite not being true to reality.


  • This means that based on amonetary input, the funder will receive a payoff in kind that has substantialworth.


  • Of course, sometimes small grants open doors to bigger grants from the same funder, and there's no one right choice.


  • It sets the global agenda for diabetes research, and is the largest charitable funder and advocate of diabetes science worldwide.


  • The Hout Bay music Project currently practices at a community hall, but that might change as a private funder is planning to build them a music school.

    Hout Bay音乐项目目前在社区音乐厅练习,但情况可能会有所改变,因为一个私人捐助者计划为他们建造一个音乐学校。

  • Ibrahim is reportedly a major funder of the Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which is believed to be responsible for the 2008 Mumbai hotel attacks.


  • One of my objectives is to work more closely with the Global fund (to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria), as the world's biggest funder of TB interventions.


  • Since then, there have been all kinds of rumors about the buyer. Initial reports said the buyer was Russian. Other reports said it was a British hedge funder.


  • The average boss looks at a curriculum vitae fjust three minutes while one in five make a decision on a candidate after perusing it funder a minute, new research suggests.


  • On TV last week, Saif looked less like a hedge funder and more like a fist-pumping militant in fatigues, as he brandished an AK-47 and taunted his fellow citizens as "rats."


  • IAVI provided most of the funding via its donors, while the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the world's biggest funder of HIV vaccine research, contributed a smaller amount.

    该组织为研究提供了大部分经费,经费多来自捐赠,而全球最大的HIV疫苗研究赞助方美国国立卫生研究院(u.s. National Institutes of Health)出资较小部分。

  • Kindergarten teachers, we imagine, are unlikely to appreciate the implicit connection the hedge funder makes between their profession and an inferior degree of professional success.


  • Li is the funder of Taiwan Media, Science and Technology with the center of creative industry, as well as the professor of institute of Fashion and Media design of Shih Chien University, Taibei.


  • Dina Kaplan, the co-founder of Blip.tv, says that when she met with angel investors to raise funds she dressed nicely, and in a meeting with a potential funder he told her, "Here's what we do, Dina."


  • Not surprisingly, many voices were urging the organization to expand, including one funder that was particularly enthusiastic about seeing the training program established in a new geographic region.


  • For example, you could post an update saying that the funder who either brings in the most contributions by referring other people to your campaign page will win an exclusive perk or other cool prize.
