The Indo-European root that likely gave us our word number was nem.
Officials say that the NEM will be unveiled in the next few weeks.
Investors have been waiting eagerly for Mr Najib's "New Economic Model" (NEM).
Old Dance Tune: "Nem vagy légeny", 15 Hungarian Peasant Songs for piano No. 11
Thus, The National Economy Mobilization (NEM) is a complex project of systems engineering.
The application of the Natural Element Method (NEM) to problems in two-dimensional elastostatics is presented.
Angry young nationalists wear T-shirts proclaiming "Magyar Vagyok: Nem Turista" (" I am a Hungarian, not a tourist ").
年轻的民族主义者愤怒地穿上印有“Magyar Vagyok: Nem Turista”的T恤,意思是“我是匈牙利人,不是过客。”
The influence of stiff length affecting stress distribution under different AWR, BWR and CR when stretching by NEM FM were simulated and analyzed.
数值模拟分析了新f M法拔长时,不同的砧宽比、料宽比及压下率情况下,刚端长度对应力分布的影响。
The enzyme was not effected by NEM, IAA or NAI modification suggesting that thiol group or tyrosine residues were non-essential for enzyme activity.
It was found that N-Ethylmaleimide (NEM) could increase the gel strength of all three soy protein isolates, despite of the sulfhydryl groups blocking function of this reagent.
尽管N -乙基马来酰亚胺(NEM)能够封闭巯基,但该试剂可增强三种大豆分离蛋白的凝胶强度。
The solution error is estimated using the ZZ error estimator which is based on the recovery stress filed acquired through the MLS/NNI stress recovery scheme according to the character of the NEM.
针对自然单元法的特点,提出了基于MLS拟合和NNI插值的应力恢复方案; 在应力恢复的基础上采用Z-Z误差估计方法对求解误差进行了有效的估计;