1 词典释义:
Council of Europe
时间: 2025-02-03 18:56:31


  • If that means leaving the Council of Europe, so what?


  • Today only Belarus stays clear of the Council of Europe.


  • Pulling out of the EU might mean falling back on the Council of Europe.


  • The Council of Europe has repeatedly rebuked Mr Kadyrov and Russia over persistent torture and illegal detention.

    欧洲理事会(Council of Europe)一再就持续存在酷刑和非法拘禁问题谴责卡德罗夫和俄罗斯。

  • It would have been better had parliamentarians from the OSCE and the Council of Europe decided, similarly, not to go.


  • If the Council of Europe, the guardian of the convention, refuses to accept these changes, Britain would withdraw from the convention.


  • “It was allpart of the conditioning,” the person involved in the Council of Europe inquirysaid. “It’s all calibrated to develop dependency.”


  • This embarrassing prospect is so serious that some claim it prompted the Kremlin to discuss whether to pull out of the Council of Europe.


  • They range from bodies that Russia belongs to, such as the Council of Europe, to ones with which it has an affiliation, including the European Union.

    俄罗斯隶属于其中一些组织,如欧洲委员会(Council of Europe),与另外一些组织存在伙伴关系,包括欧盟(EU)。

  • Thus, UNESCO is committed to quality education for Roma children through a special programme, conducted in cooperation with the Council of Europe since 2006.


  • The establishment of the Council of Europe in 1949 resulted not only from the Movement of European Unity in the post-war years but from the British European policy.

    成立于1 949年的欧洲委员会是在战后初期欧洲统一运动的推动下形成的,但它又是英国欧洲政策的产物。

  • Prescott has no say in the final decision this time but will attend the talks in Copenhagen as a rapporteur for the Council of Europe, allowing him to be a vocal observer.


  • The Council of Europe has proposed in Strasbourg, France, that all its 47 member states avoid gender-oriented words in official reports, like Mother and Father, Die Welt reported Thursday.


  • This important move follows similar efforts by the Council of Europe and the European Union to address private sector bribery as an integral part of their anti-corruption instruments.


  • A notionally two-tier Europe could see its meetings preceded by those of a 16-strong inner council that would compete for primacy, perhaps successfully.


  • So here is a modest proposal to liven up the next European council meeting, on 9 December. Over dinner, let Merkel present her vision of German Europe (more tactfully: German vision for Europe).
