The asuras live on the sea bottom.
Then, six miles below, you come to the sea bottom.
The ship was completely buried in the soft loam of the sea bottom.
It is laid in the sea bottom and will rise to surface with its rocket propulsion.
Since Bohai Sea bottom is in all the time slow drop, so, why it unluckily so shallow?
The development and evolution of sea bottom sand ridges and sand ripples are discussed.
The long steel tower extends from the platform located above sea level to the sea bottom.
Luckily, the weapons were covered with rock and sand soon after they sank to the sea bottom.
The returned signal from the sea bottom can be recorded by the recorder on a real time basis.
The main problem of Marine magnetotelluric prospecting is the acquisition of Marine sea bottom signal.
Because deep sea bottom trawling is a recent phenomenon, the damage that has been done is still limited.
"Something about the chemistry of this sea bottom was very favorable to the preservation of bones," Hurum notes.
“Something about the chemistry of this sea bottom was very favorable to the preservation of bones,” Hurum notes.
A mathematical model of equilibrium conditions of coastal slope and sea bottom under wave action is developed.
Fish that live on the sea bottom especially commercially important gadoid fishes like cod and haddock or flatfish like flounder.
A relatively permanent offshore platform made of welded tubular steel in which the legs are attached to the sea bottom by piles.
In trawling, a fishing boat drags a bag-shaped net along the sea bottom. Fish such as cod, flounder, and haddock are caught in this way.
Then others discovered a striped rabbit in the Mekong Delta and a gaudy Indonesian fish that swims by bouncing haphazardly off the sea bottom.
A sound made by tapping on the hull of a shop will be reflected from the sea bottom, and depth of the sea at that point can be calculated.
Conservationists say longline gear also damages corals and other important habitat on the sea bottom, threatening both the turtles and the fish.
They used to be buried deep in the sea bottom, but later they were pushed slowly by the Plate movement and came to the surface of the Earth.
A function expansion method as in Liu et al (2007) is used to formulate the mat-type VLFS floating on the wave surface over uneven sea bottom.
It is pointed out that there are sea bottom iron? Copper polymetallic deposits and sub? Volcanic copper polymetallic deposits in the ore zone.
Copper zinc type and lead zinc type deposits with different ore elements were formed in Back arc basin of Erlangping Group by sea bottom spout.
Trawlers drag weighted nets across the sea bottom, not only scooping up every living thing, but also destroying coral and other types of habitat in the process.
Under the assumption that the sea bottom is an almost-flat and randomly rough thin layer, a spatial correlation model for bottom reverberation was constructed.