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Arduino serial ports gives bad data?
Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.
Now it's turned into a fun way to test out the Arduino boards.
The Arduino ACTS as an intermediary between the sensors and your data storage.
This script begins by opening the connection to the Arduino in a file pointer for reading.
The 2014 version of the costume had the LED strips hooked up to an Arduino microcontroller.
It then waits for the response from the Arduino and goes into a loop to read lines reported.
You too can dive right in and experiment with tips and techniques from the Arduino Cookbook.
Finally, this home's lighting can be regulated by Pachube (pronounced patch-bay) and Arduino.
The greater the intensity of the light, the more voltage the Arduino sees at the connected pin.
光照越强,Arduino 在连接插脚处读取的电压越多。
Analog pin voltage readings seem to depend critically on the voltage of the power supply to the Arduino.
Through a barrel connector, the Arduino can accept power at a range of different voltages (see Resources for details).
通过一个圆柱式连接器,Arduino 能够接受一定电压范围内的电源(有关更多细节,请参阅 参考资料)。
The open source Arduino is useful as a simple and adaptable processor for sensor data in a solar generation context.
No data is sent for pins 1 and 2 because they are used by the interface between the Arduino board and the Ethernet shield.
没有针对管脚1和2发送数据,因为这两个管脚由Arduin o板和Ethernet shield之间的接口使用。
"I want to build an LED spectrophotometer with an Arduino," Cowell says. "People have done it before, but I want to make it better."
The basic code is provided by Arduino as part of the examples collection and requires some editing to adapt to your own requirements (see Resources).
The Arduino is an inexpensive, adaptable, and programmable open source microprocessor that can read data input in the form of voltage at its analog pins.
After much experimenting, he finally settled on a setup comprising an electromagnet and feedback system, with an Arduino micro controller at the core.
Here's a fantastic project using an arduino, a motor, and a piezo sensor which allows you to both record and detect knocking patterns to unlock a door.
Most Arduino boards already have an LED attached to pin 13 on the board itself. If you run this example with no hardware attached, you should see that LED blink.
With the back end defined, you can now use PHP to query the Arduino, analyze the response, and store the observations in the back end, as shown in Listing 4.
Figure 1 shows an Arduino microprocessor with an Ethernet shield mounted and a cat5 Ethernet and power supply cables attached, which gives you an idea of the size of the unit.
图1显示了一个装了Ethernet shield、cat 5 Ethernet及电源电缆的arduino微处理器,此图可让您对此单元的规模有一个大致的了解。
The Arduino program (or sketch, as Arduino calls it) that allows access to the data collected is a simple web server that you access with a browser or other script (see Listing 1).
用来访问所收集数据的Arduino程序(或sketch, Arduino对它的称谓)是一个简单的Web服务器,可通过一个浏览器或其他脚本(参见清单1)访问它。
The simplest way of getting the data from the Arduino is with the unit connected directly to a host computer Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface, reading the data as if it were a serial connection.
从 Arduino 获得数据最简单的方式是让此单元直接连接到主机计算机的 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 接口,像串行连接那样读取数据。