1 词典释义:
endow with
时间: 2025-03-01 22:16:26
英 [ɪnˈdaʊ wɪð]
美 [ɪnˈdaʊ wɪð]


  • To endow with personal qualities; personify.


  • Dog training can endow with a remarkable extent of contentment.


  • To endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote.


  • These communication characteristics endow with Blog an obvious advantage on news function.


  • He depicts the people who live and work on this land, and Shared their weal and woe with it, to endow with open-minded, optimistic and indomitable spirit.


  • The SAP CO (Controlling) Module endow with supporting information to Management for the purpose of planning, reporting, as well as monitoring the operations of their business.


  • Like this, any life time of prosperous and bright such as flower, fall anily lonesome become an autumn, toss about in the of leave thousand sorrow to endow with at the mid-night.


  • He can take a man or a nation, who has all the impotence of the worm, and by the invigoration of His own Spirit, He can endow with strength by which a noble mark is left upon the history of the time.


  • Herbs have been used for centuries to endow a whole range of foods with subtle flavours.


  • With advice from AI specialists, art designers and culture researchers, our multi-language experts endow Lancom with an enormous potential for innovation within the world of language learning.

    在人工智能专家、艺术设计师和文化研究者的建议下,我们的多语言专家赋予了 Lancom 以巨大的语言学习创新潜力。

  • They were deploring their parents' omission to endow them with so splendid a means of appealing to the Zamindar.


  • The golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness.


  • It is the people who endow the sovereign with the authority to represent them on their behalf.


  • Rather than hiding this division, the EU now needs a model in which fast-lane nations act as pioneers who endow the whole project with new purpose.


  • The clerks and ryots, however, seemed duly impressed, and likewise envious, as though deploring their parents' omission to endow them with so splendid a means of appealing to the Zamindar.


  • But an attempt to endow the fembot with the ability to detect faces and make more realistic eye contact has been only half successful.


  • Women, in contrast, were relatively more likely to feel that out-of-home employment was a liberating choice, not a duty, and this feeling helped to endow their work with a quality of play.


  • The most sought after particle in particle physics - the Higgs boson - is believed to endow all other particles with mass.


  • The classic justification for market-making and other types of trading is that they endow the market with liquidity, and throughout the financial industry I heard the same argument over and over.


  • Researchers have now found every particle predicted by the model, save one: the Higgs boson, theorized to help endow other particles with mass.

    研究人员现在找到了模型预测的每一个粒子,并将其中一个保存下来:希格斯色子(Higgs boson)从理论上帮助赋予其他粒子以质量。

  • Confront me with fears that will temper my spirit; yet endow me with courage to laugh at my misgivings.


  • So is it possible to endow my digital double with a believable representation of my own personality?


  • It can endow his daily experience with a kind of romance.


  • We endow our products with more and better culture meaning and humanized lingering charm because we hope our products will bring consumers a kind of new lifestyle and taste.


  • Folk customs and geography influence the animal and plant nouns greatly and endow these words with different associative meanings, the amount of which decides the culture load of the words.


  • She let the falling leaves connected with butterflies, endow the gone leaves with vitality and color afresh.


  • I believe we can do the shows with our own wisdom and endow the shows with Chinese feature.


  • The polyphonic features endow Light in August with eternal vitality.

