Third section: the application range of punitive damage.
First section: the history and meaning of punitive damage.
The forth part is Design of the State Punitive Damage Compensation in our Country.
But punitive damage awards often take years to resolve and can be cut down on appeal.
The law should restrict the punitive damages on the types, procedure and damage scope.
At last, the writer analyzes the opinions against the state punitive damage compensation.
Finally, the paper examines the possibilities of applying the concept of punitive damage in the areas of product liability and liability for breach of...
Finally, the paper examines the possibilities of applying the concept of punitive damage in the areas of product liability and liability for breach of contract.
The author also argues that four conditions must be met for imposing punitive damage, and advise the legislature not to fix a uniform limit at the national level.
The punitive damages system has its special value and effect as being a widely adopted system in the civil prejudication of the damage and compensation in the common law system.
Punitive damage system has been pratised in Anglo-American law system countries since a long time ago, and in recent years , it has also been absorbed and used by continental law system countries.
Punitive compensation is different from fines in nature is also different from civil sanction measures, mental damage compensation, responsibility insurance and other relative civil legal systems.
Product has defects and defective products caused damage to the person or property, which is to assume liability for punitive elements of the objective.