Do any of you know what "WTC" means?
And well ent another 30 years on the new WTC!
The WTC which was included, there were also two rubber O-rings for the end caps.
WTC Mumbai was set up in 1970, and is the exclusive World Trade Center in India.
You can see that things are getting a little crowded as construction continues on the WTC.
Yesterday when the train passed by Amsterdam's WTC Area, I took this picture of the modern business towers.
The results show that a strong WTC in Chinese is a crucial factor to promote students' frequency of using Chinese.
Wanting to reduce the amount of air-space inside the WTC, I lowered the height of the box and placed the gauge on an Angle.
"16" is the number of survivors from WTC South's point of impact. "1776" is the number of feet high the Freedom Tower memorial will be.
Saw the WTC memorial yesterday. It's beautiful, but be warned: when the wind gets up it's like standing near Niagara Falls. You get sprayed.
WTC Mumbai is also the transport center of India. So, WTC Changzhou and Mumbai should cooperate to achieve a reciprocal and win-win situation.
It was disturbing to read the prophetic statements that came forth following the WTC disaster and again following the recent tsunami disaster.
Customized solutions deployed in a fast fashion based on the advanced SEESF software platform, WTC hardware platform, and reliability test platform.
One year after the planes struck, the WTC site had been cleared of debris, and a simple wooden circle had been erected in observance of the attacks.
Keelung Custom Bureau indicated that WTC was the 1st company with operating Import/Export business to acquire AEO's qualification from Keelung Custom Bureau.
The next steps will be to route the receiver antenna outside the WTC, cut off the battery terminal poles and also figure out what to do with the bilge pump light.
Researches on Second Language Acquisition in recent years reveal that learner's willingness to communicate (WTC) in L2 has significant impacts on their L2 acquisition.
Janno Lieber, who heads Mr Silverstein's WTC operation, has said the Port Authority's position is based on a "totally pessimistic attitude about New York's economic future".
The WTC study was supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Center for Environmental Health, and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
I'm glad I didn't set the price yet but with David doing the molds, appendages, sail, and a whole bunch of metal parts, the prop and the WTC bulkheads she will be right around 325.00.
Well, amongst foreigners whenever something happens in China that we think has no rational explanation, we simply refer to those things we don't understand as "WTC, " WELCOME TO CHINA!