What we see is it's an average. Some parts like a horse; some parts like a donkey.
Instead what we see is it's an average, it's part like a horse, it's part like a donkey.
When she performed "The Little White Donkey" at a recital a few weeks later, parents came up to me and said, "What a perfect piece for lulu-it's so spunky and so her."
When she performed "The Little White Donkey" at a recital a few weeks later, parents came up to me and said, "What a perfect piece for Lulu?it's so spunky and so her."
When she performed "The Little White Donkey" at a recitala few weeks later, parents came up to me and said, "What a perfect piece for Lulu—it's so spunky and so her."
It's because a donkey eats simple fodder. And we also eat plain food.
It's true. He told me that his grandma could talk the hind leg off a donkey.