In June 1876, the two principalities declared war on the Ottoman Empire.
William Wilkinson's "an Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia" inspired this author's most famous novel.
Before unification in the 19th century, Italy was made up of dozens of principalities and kingdoms. Some, like San Marino, still survive.
It was more than a symbolic moment for a business which used to be run like a collection of principalities rather than a global enterprise.
All states, all dominions that have held and do hold empire over man "are either republics or principalities," he says in the opening sentence of chapter 1.
I shall consider solely the principality, weaving together the threads mentioned above as I go, and I shall discuss how these principalities can be governed and maintained.
And it's not indifference, which means you don't even feel anything for the other person, you don't even notice the other person. But I don't want to, you know, create these artificial principalities.