1 词典释义:
task forces
时间: 2025-03-16 22:25:46


  • Encourage media coverage of the task forces.


  • A more active role should be given to the Task Forces.


  • Committees and task forces are the main way jobs are Shared.


  • These task forces say going through screening is stressful for women.


  • You can (and should) empower individuals, committees, or task forces to make certain decisions.


  • The universities have "Task Forces" armed with mobile equipment in addition to their fixed stations.


  • Timely dispatch special task forces to disaster-hit areas for investigation and disaster-relief guidance.


  • To keep everyone working together, committees and task forces should regularly report back to the whole group.


  • The work of the Task Forces and Working Groups are guided by terms of reference and budgeted work plans, approved by the Alliance Board.


  • IBM Rational personnel occupy key positions on the OMG Architecture Board, on standards task forces, and in the teams developing solutions.

    IBM Rational的职员在OMG的机构委员会中、标准任务和开发方案的团队中占据着关键的位置。

  • Junior managers also should be included in critical task forces so they garner firsthand experience in the process of managing big issues.


  • Identifying projects to boost visibility, such as volunteering for committees or task forces that address emerging issues in the company.


  • Policing it, says Colonel Spencer, would require five times as many warships as the task forces can muster, each one with its own helicopter.

    Colonel Spencer先生说,管制海盗行为需要相当于现在海军执行任务所需军舰的五倍,而且每艘军舰均需配备直升飞机。

  • A further problem for the task forces is that the pirates are all too aware of the restrictive rules of engagement that bind most of their foes.


  • We worked diligently for several weeks with the help of a number of employee task forces to come up with a prioritized list of changes to pursue.


  • A whole raft of committees, commissions and task forces has been set up on the assumption that racial differences are a fundamental cause of social problems.


  • Volunteer to help with new projects in the office. Volunteer for committees or task forces. Offer to help your boss and co-workers whenever time permits.


  • Just as the first Reorganization act strengthened the organizational integrity of the unified commands, so the second act must organize interagency task forces.


  • Renetech Electronics Co. , Ltd. is a professional semiconductor distributor. Our task forces consist of well experienced marketers and engineers in the industry.


  • Turning such a choice into brigades, squadrons and naval task forces is the job of a second meeting, this time of the Ministry of Defence, expected at the weekend.


  • Along with the IAEE Board of Directors, the association is comprised of councils, committees and task forces, all created to fulfill IAEE's strategic initiatives.


  • More than 10 million poultry have been culled in the region since the outbreak of bird flu. Task forces have been set up to provide quarantine and medical services.


  • The two sides will also increase cooperation in the areas of science, technology, education, culture and environmental protection in line with the Task Forces' proposals.


  • The two sides will also increase co-operation in the areas of science, technology, education, culture and environmental protection in line with the Task Forces' proposals.


  • The Yaroslav Mudry is a multipurpose frigate, although its primary mission is to provide anti-submarine, anti-ship, and anti-aircraft defense to naval task forces and convoys.


  • In addition, task forces, special projects, short-term assignments and other opportunities can all contribute to your depth and breadth of experience and build your capabilities.
