Last June it announced an ambitious collaboration with WWF, a global environmental organisation, to conserve seven major freshwater river basins.
The giant freshwater Mekong River stingray is just one of many mega fish species that could be threatened by dam-building plans in the Mekong River Basin.
The Yangtze River provides one third of the country's freshwater resources, but it has met lots of environmental problems in recent years, such as heavy pollution and overfishing.
A manatee swims in a freshwater spring in Crystal River, Florida.
This suggests that the quality of life of those relying on the river as a freshwater source could be improved considerably by addressing the individual pollution problems.
Scientists estimate that the finless porpoise, a freshwater dolphin which has lived in the Yangtze River and adjacent lakes for over 20 millions years, will become extinct within 15 years.
Raised on crab farms in the Yangtze River estuary, the gray-shelled freshwater crab waves its big hairy claws in family kitchens, respectable restaurants and luxury hotels in September and October.
Scientists named an aqua and orange speckled freshwater darter found in the Tennessee River Etheostoma Obama in 2012.
"As the river stage falls and protection diminishes," says Lane, "it becomes a question of how best to distribute this freshwater resource to defend the coast from the movement of oil onshore."
The freshwater goby is mainly found in Liao River and Yalu River in Liaoning.
Dissolved plant nutrients are carried by river freshwater runoff into the sea estuarine coastal regions are a favourable Marine environment for special organic species to recuperate and multiply.
From scum on ponds to water celery on river beds and reeds swaying in a wetland breeze, freshwater algae and plants provide oxygen to breathe and food to eat.
WWF and our partners have facilitated the reconnection of 17 lakes to the Yangtze River, infusing new life to its fragile freshwater ecosystem.
In addition to the heart-jumping water rides, there are various animal habitats: the lazy river snakes through a flamingo enclosure and the wave pool borders a freshwater turtle habitat.
The mouth of the river is dammed and a freshwater lake created behind the dam.
The park lies along the Yangtze River with abundant freshwater resources, and it has 16km river line, among which 6km is deep river line.
Cyperus malaccensis is the indicator for tidal river freshwater species.
Standing in Tennessee's Clinch River, a marine biologist holds three species of freshwater mussel, the most endangered animal group in North America.
The fish you buy in the grocery store is either caught in the wild - an ocean, river or freshwater lake - or raised on a fish farm.
How many is Guizhou Fukuizumi clam freshwater mussel river entrance ticket?
Researches on stopover during migration of Anatidae birds were carried at Yellowriver wetland, freshwater lake areas in Yulin city and Hanjiang river in winter from 1998 to 2003.