He get feed up with his job.
In the J2EE world, you have to find a search engine, then come up with a way to feed data to the search engine, get results out, and format the results for display to the user.
Up to now, more than 100 investors and experts have expressed their will to cooperate with the county with feasible programs to reuse the waste, including producing feed and fertilizer with it.
If your website is content-heavy and is updated frequently (e.g. a blog or news site), having an RSS feed will be a necessary site feature for keeping your users up-to-date with fresh content.
The lesson learned was that, if you feed the same data into computers in search of anomalies, they are likely to come up with similar answers.
Keeping up with every RSS feed item and tweet is hard enough for anybody, let alone someone trying to run a business.
They have organized to provide health care for each other, to feed each other, to clean up their space together, to deal with difficult situations using creative solutions.
To keep up with the latest news about bird flu, including the most important scientific developments, you can visit the Nature Reports Avian flu website and sign up for an RSS feed.
As Roles Change - When fledglings grow up, they are said to feed their aging parents with food from their own mouths.
As Roles Change - "When fledglings grow up, they are said to feed their aging parents with food from their own mouths."
When you end up on a RSS page with XML tags all over the place, copy the URL at the top of your screen and paste it into your feed reader.
In this code sample, you set up the feed URL with the parameters needed, open the feed, then get all the event entries in a DOMNodeList, which you can process with the foreach iterator.
The scheme we ended up with, described above, of a link and a guid with isPermaLink false, works fine with all our feed readers.
根据本文介绍得到的最终模式 —— 一个链接及一个 isPermaLink 为 false 的 guid,与文中提到的所有提要阅读器配合良好。
Initially it might seem a little complex to set up the operators to transform the feed into a combined feed with filters.
Using PHP with MySQL, you can easily produce a Web feed that complies with the Atom standard and is always up to date because it reads directly from the database.
For example, Web feeds and feed readers have empowered humans to keep up with the vast amount of information being published today.
Most sites approach this with a news feed or similar listing of all the activities your friends are up to.
许多网站通过news feed或者一个类似的列表,将好友的全部动态列下来。
IGoogle currently offers two interesting ways to keep up with your friends' activity: a timeline and an 'updates' feed.
When using a line feed, telescope operators produce a unified signal by adding up the different parts of the signal, but the results are never as strong and clear as they are with a parabolic dish.
Unfortunately, whereas cities of up to a million population may be able to work with their rural surroundings to feed their people without dependence on oil, cities of ten and twenty million cannot.
For any products found not in compliance with the labelling requirements, feed will take follow - up actions.
When you travel and end up spending the time with your face buried in your phone, your companions will rightly think your social networking feed is more interesting than their company.
She now gets through a pack a day and has even picked up on how to feed her habit if there is no lighter available - by [w=ignite]igniting her smokes with a discarded cigarette.
As I sat there quietly, looking out the window, I noticed this burnt old black pick-up truck with it's side caved in sitting across the street at the local feed store.
Childcare is fraught with difficulty, and women navigate tough choices as they try to breast-feed and bring up a child.
If man's attention is only put on the potential of scientific achievements, the earth's limited economic resources will give up along with the increasing mouths to feed.
Under the pressure to deal with intensely competition home and abroad and to lift administration level, the cigarette industrial enterprise is forced to feed up the pace to apply erp.