1 词典释义:
on all counts
时间: 2024-12-31 17:24:42


  • They were found guilty on all counts.


  • The prisoner was found not guilty on all counts.


  • Schmid qualified on all counts and was promoted to the rank of staffsergeant in 2008.


  • The finding was that morning advertising scored better on all counts compared to night viewing.


  • But he has a list of five reasons why mergers fail. On all counts he says P&G is now doing fine.


  • He was cleared on all counts of complicity to slander, dealing in stolen property and breach of trust.


  • Was I actually meant to be a surgeon? Maybe a barrister? Perhaps a chief executive? The test disagreed on all counts.


  • Sub-Saharan Africa lags on all counts, including the goal for poverty reduction, though many countries in the region are now experiencing improved growth performance.


  • Denmark’s success has much to do with theits small size, its homogeneous population and its regulated health care system— on all counts, very different from the United States.

    丹麦的成功,很大程度上与它国土面积小、人口种族单一和医疗系统管理较好有关 - 不管是从哪方面讲,都与美国的情况截然不同。

  • The solution succeeds on all counts and breaks new ground by allowing the water utility of a major city to control the entire water supply system and forecast demand with precision.


  • Personality Counts: the news on the job front isn't all bad.


  • Mr Obama must tell Mr Netanyahu that he is flat wrong on all those counts.


  • On all these counts, the scientists justify their voyages to Antarctica and the vast sums needed.


  • Some say that gestures on “soft” issues, such as the environment and gay rights, do nothing to move the electorate; the bread-and-butter of public services and incomes is all that counts.


  • There are, however, good reasons to doubt its superiority on all three counts.


  • In the end all that counts is winning and so we are focussing on our own game.


  • Rio Ferdinand admits United were sub-standard at West Brom on New Year's Day, but says winning is all that counts.


  • The Governors Highway Safety Association has released a report that explores preliminary data on motorcyclist fatality counts for 2010 from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.


  • This paper proposes a kind of classified method of knowledge points based on Aeronautics knowledge, counts all kinds of knowledge points, and offers the storage structure of knowledge points.


  • Basant Art always counts' customer's satisfaction 'first; they keep five delivery trucks all-time ready to make sure every customer gets their dues on time.


  • It depends on the material that is there; water counts. The H2O counts-it all counts.

    这要因材料而定,水的参数、H 2o的参数- - -它所有的参数。

  • Our attitude on the field counts and when it's positive that's all the better.


  • The only thing that counts is the number of times that the banner is clicked-on, and as we all know, the so called click-through rates have dropped to laughable levels.


  • All this makes Slumdog a half-hearted, comme ci, comme ca endeavor that wants to both be a fairy-tale and capture urban poverty but falters on both counts.


  • Complete blood cell counts, including platelet counts and periodic chemistry tests, should be performed on all patients receiving the drug.


  • The collection of Ukrainian ceramics decorates the library which counts more than 1000 books on design and architecture brought from all over the world.
