1 词典释义:
bound on
时间: 2025-01-19 19:06:29
英 [baʊnd ɒn]
美 [baʊnd ɑn]


  • He sees that the bound on d's type parameter is the default bound (Object).


  • Some primitive conditions and an upper bound on the exponents are presented.


  • She held the bird in her hand and found a small note bound on one of the bird's legs.


  • The tree structure of large organizations sets an upper bound on freedom, not a lower bound.


  • Certainly, we could expect China to hit the zero lower bound on interest rates and to begin QE.


  • Note that the demand for trains is unlimited, so a very large value is the upper bound on line 43.


  • Yes it is a bad practice when you put no upper bound on the number of threads (or generally resources).


  • And now that we can say what makes a good founder, we know how to put an upper bound on the size of the pool.


  • Furthermore, in such comparisons no attempt is made to identify any theoretical upper bound on profitability.


  • Using matrix theory, we present a sharp upper bound on the spectral radius of digraphs and strongly connected diagraphs.


  • Around a single design can have a bound on the wrist pressure more focused effort of the wrist and reduce the load or inappropriate.


  • A bound on the number of test data needed to achieve path coverage is important to evaluate the effort needed to test a given program.


  • It operates on a principle, called structural risk minimization, which aims to minimize the upper bound on the expected generalization error.


  • For a class of switched systems a lower bound on the dwell time of switching is explicitly calculated which guarantees input to state stability.


  • TFS Version Control command processing was re-written to support unlimited sized operations on key commands without being memory bound on the server.

    Office Word和Excel文件在服务器上处理的速度快了TFS版本控制命令处理经过重写后,能够在不需要绑定内存到服务器上的情况下,支持无限量的关键命令操作。

  • While I was checking a few things on PTRs, a very interesting change showed up on my screen: the Spectral Tiger mount wasn't bound on pickup anymore.


  • To distinguish themselves from the soldiers in the ranks, the new leaders proudly bound on their heads lofty crests and ornaments of feathers or straw.


  • If it's a single value (for example, an upper bound on a shoe size, or the maximum number of monkeys that can fit in a barrel), leave the constant as it is.


  • For example, suppose the bound on the number of instantiations were 42 and the nest method mentioned earlier was being called with a user-supplied argument.


  • Then, during compilation, we can determine a finite bound on the set of legal instantiations and simply generate class files for all instantiations in this bound.


  • Structural risk minimization induce principle is used to control the bound on the value of achieved risk by controlling experiential risk and belief bound at the same time.


  • In the actual test on which this information is based, I may have actually been able to go a little higher, but I think I was getting CPU bound on the load generation servers.


  • In this paper, we propose a perfectly-secure key distribution scheme for multicasting and prove a lower bound on the size of the user's piece of information in such a scheme.


  • Clearly the first option above is only viable for the most trivial of databases because it puts an obvious upper-bound on the size of the database that you can practically use.


  • Acting as "the university of social conscience" is the important strength of guiding social morals advance, it is duty-bound on the good morals behavior of training college student.


  • If we place no explicit bound on the parameter, then by default the bound is Object, meaning that we can't call any methods on an instance of the bound that don't appear in class Object.


  • There is a ferry line between the north mouth of Chuanshan and Yadanshan. Vessels proceeding west-bound on the Luotou channel should observe the ferry's movements to avoid emergency situation.


  • Brain against brute force—and brain came out on the top—as it's bound to do.

