1 词典释义:
platoon leader
时间: 2024-12-29 21:04:53
英 [pləˈtuːn ˈliːdə]
美 [pləˈtun ˈlidər]


  • Seeing the platoon leader returning, everybody rushed up to meet him.

    看见排长回来了, 大家赶忙迎上去。

  • I think our platoon leader doesn't know and maybe like two dudes.


  • He mentions that one of his daughters was a platoon leader in Iraq.


  • Step 4. The platoon leader sends a SPOTREP to update the commander.


  • We went to Yidu Railway Station accompanied by the woman platoon leader.


  • He had spent the summer after his freshman year in "platoon leader" training.


  • As he should, the platoon leader keeps in constant radio touch with colleagues.


  • Further down the road, Lieutenant Carl Quist, the platoon leader, stopped to talk to a local merchant.

    再走远些,排长Carl Quist中尉停下来与当地的一名商人谈话。

  • On his part, the soon demobilized platoon leader returned to his village and resumed his life as a farmer tilling the land.


  • After graduatingfrom West Point, Patrick, now married, did one tour in Iraq as a platoon leader, and a second as acaptain in Afghanistan.“Those

    帕特里克已经结婚了。 从西点军校毕业后,他当上排长去了伊拉克,后来被提升为上尉,在阿富汗服役。

  • The young platoon leader set a courageous example for his soldiers by leading them safely into and out of jungle territory held by the enemy.


  • The platoon leader told us that there are several cooks with grades working on the island. Soldiers on the island can get eggs, milk and fruits every day.


  • Platoon leader to the squad leader, said: "8 o 'clock tomorrow night, a battalion commander with Halley's Comet will appear in the auditorium, which is only once every 76 years thing."


  • And sothe company commander huddled with his platoon leader in the hours around dawn,checking potential ambush points, charting evacuation routes, worrying aboutevery possible equipment failure.


  • And so the company commander huddled with his platoon leader in the hours around dawn, checking potential ambush points, charting evacuation routes, worrying about every possible equipment failure.


  • The team leader decides on where to emplace the gun, and he coordinates with higher leadership (ie squad or platoon leader) to get his crew-served teams set up where they can best support the platoon.


  • The Marine Corp SITE program eek to ue imulation and training technology to help leader of Marine Corp unit a mall a platoon and quad make crucial battlefield deciion while operating independently.
