Based on "competitive product design first class of service satisfied first" principle.
Beyond a certain threshold, the sheer volume of messages could push an interface into a separate class of service.
Performs PABX data-base programming and regular service change to control class of service on all telephone sets in the hotel.
Network policy support includes LAN-based Class of Service and Quality of Service, advanced security and automated network management.
If the portion of traffic that requires encryption is relatively small, carving out a separate class of service for it might be appropriate.
When traveling on behalf of the property, all sales personnel will travel by the most economical class of service provided by an air or surface transport provider.
6where a voluntary change of itinerary is made, a passenger shall be entitled to the free baggage allowance applicable to the class of service shown on the updating ticket.
Where an involuntary change of itinerary is made, a passenger shall be entitled to the free baggage allowance applicable to the class of service shown on the original ticket.
Eventually, she was taken out of service in 1935, ending the era of the luxurious Olympic class ocean liners.
Served by a large class of Confucian literati selected through civil service examinations, the government system of Tang Dynasty was gradually perfected under the support of Confucian bureaucratic.
Served by a large class of Confucian literati selected through civil service examinations, the government system of Tang Dynasty was gradually perfected under the support of Confucian bureaucracy.
Typically, the number of active service class periods in a system should not exceed 30.
This step requires a default service class, for which messages of unknown priority type can be assigned.
Like a class object, the requester application is capable of treating the service as one.
In addition to the classification of traffic and the goal of the service class, service policies also have an importance associated with them.
To understand the next command, you need a basic knowledge of the WLM concept of service class.
This descriptor is included as a member of the service class.
On Submit, the success message is shown from the action class representing the invocation of backend service.
The above line pairs the fully qualified class name of the concrete remote service class with a path name that is essentially the URL for this service.
The service implementation class is also part of the application.
Class name: an element containing the fully qualified class name of the service implementation.
A UML interface is defined as a collection of operations that are used to specify a service of a class or component.
This means that ARFM requires some wiggle room between the typical service time of a particular class of traffic and the desired service goal.
The object service class consists of three variables and accessors to the variables, namely serviceimplemenation, serviceimplemenationurn, and the methodName.
对象服务类由三个变量和这些变量的访问器组成,这些变量是 serviceimplemenation 、 serviceimplemenationurn 和 methodName 。
Each class of Web service could consist of a description of required transports and bindings that must be supported along with some semantics to disambiguate the interaction of such technologies.
This section also demonstrates how to enhance the main stub class of the secure email service to provide security features.
Figure 2 shows the class diagram of the sample implementation of EPPS Service.
图2显示了EPPS Service样本实现的类图。
Then, you create an instance of the Resource class from it using the URI of the service you want to connect to.