Shenzhen Cham Battery Technology Co. , Ltd.
Sok Cham father, served as the North and in full.
Feel fashion life, enjoying rich style, diffuses man's cham.
Lifelike latest cute... I developed a water walking ball Cham.
Walking in Cham River, the city handed him fresh for the fall.
Our strong technical force, advanced production equipment, process technology Cham, perfect detection means.
The LTS state tree generation algorithm based on CHAM is presented, and validated with a typical in examples.
Rather, the worry is that unsavoury organisations are coming into the country to take advantage of the Cham revival.
We then headed to Kampong Cham with its impressive Mekong-spanning bridge; the river here is magnificent, brooding, massive.
Droplet distribution of the fuel spray inside a diesel combustion cham-ber has an important influence on engine performance.
Eight is a daughter Shop, Long Chen Tien Cham auto parts market has formed a shop worth a thousand gold trend is hard to find.
"Pingdingshan City in 2009 at the" Cham Creek Cup "essay contest in the counseling of students won first prize in composition."
At last, the Workflow Management System model of the Integrated Manufacturing Enterprise-Oriented Supply Cham Management Platform is given.
Long Chen Tien Cham auto parts market for two consecutive years (2002, 2003), the thrift industry associations as the advanced industry unit.
Components of volatile oil in differently processed products of Vitex trifolia var. simplicifolia Cham. were analysed with GC-MS-computer method.
Premier Hun Sen has a very beautiful and virtuous wife named Bun Rany, who is also a native of Kampóng Cham province with her ancestral home in Hainan, China.
洪森首相有一个非常贤慧美丽的妻子叫文拉妮。 文拉妮也是磅湛省人,祖籍中国海南。
One such example is the Kampong Cham bridge in Cambodia, which connects two islands in the region and holds the distinction of being the longest bamboo bridge in the world.
柬埔寨的Kampong Cham桥就是一个例子,它连接着该地区的两个岛屿,一直享有世界上最长的竹桥的荣誉。