1 词典释义:
common salt
时间: 2025-01-20 12:06:08


  • Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.


  • The scientific name for common salt is sodium chloride.


  • Tanco, a leather manufacturer, uses large quantities of common salt to preserve animal hides.

    皮革制造商 Tanco 使用大量食盐来保存兽皮。

  • Common salt is a compound.


  • Common salt is a compound.


  • Common salt is the necessity of People's Daily life.


  • The sea contains a large number of substances, besides common salt.


  • When you combine sodium and chlorine, you get sodium chloride - common salt.


  • If you look at common salt through a magnifying glass you will see that, in fact, it consists of crystals.


  • Even though we dissolve the salt in water, we cannot enable common salt to change its chemical properties.


  • Nicolas Leblanc was a French chemist and surgeon, famed for being the first person to manufacture soda from common salt.


  • The producing region of common salt in Xixia was taking pond salt as the main, but it had well salt and mine salt region.


  • If you evaporatea little sea water on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish.


  • If you evaporate a little sea water on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish.


  • The " Official Superintend and Merchant Selling" of common salt centrally embodied basic characteristic of management system of traditional salt administration.


  • The invention relates to a sterilizing acaricidal pesticide liquid using water as the base material, which also comprises lime, sulfur, edible alkali, washing powder and common salt.

    本发明是一种以水为基质的杀螨灭菌农药液,含有石灰、硫磺、食用碱、 洗衣粉和食盐。

  • Were they salt domes such as are common along the United States Gulf Coast, and if so, why should there have been so much solid crystalline salt beneath the floor of the Mediterranean?


  • Salt pans and other dry water features are among the most common sources of dust in the world.


  • Dust storms, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and salt spray from the winds over the ocean are the most common and abundant producers of aerosols.


  • The most common type of membrane separation is called reverse osmosis. Seawater is forced through a semipermeable membrane that separates salt from water.


  • Just when you had figured out how to manage fat, cholesterol and trans fats in your diet, researchers are now warning against another common mealtime pitfall - salt.


  • The proportion of salt used also varies but it is common practice to use about 5 lbs. per 280 lbs. of flour.


  • Wind and waves kick up spray, and bits of sodium chloride -- common table salt -- can permeate the air.

    海风掀起海浪,溅起层层浪花,同时还溅起少许氯化纳。 氯化钠就是我们平常吃的食盐,在这过程中氯化钠渗透到空气中。

  • Common responses include handing out vitamin pills and fortifying common foods with micronutrients (such as putting iodine in salt).


  • High rates of evaporation deposit thick layers of salt minerals, such as common table salt and gypsum (a chalky mineral that is a major component of wallboard).


  • Answer: e. Because salt ACTS as a preservative, it is a common ingredient in foods with long shelf lives, like those listed above.


  • LM Hash is vulnerable to this type of attack because it does not use today's common method of introducing "salt" to the encryption process.

    LM Hash容易被此类攻击攻破,是因为它没有使用现今常用的给加密过程引入“salt”的方式。

  • Crevalle jack ( caranx hippos) are a common sight at the mouth of the homosassa river where fresh and salt waters mix as the river spills into the gulf of mexico.

