He gave the panhandler a few COINS out of pity.
When Tom gave him the money, the panhandler was surprised and seemed grateful.
A panhandler is someone who definitely believes in the existence of free money.
B lonely young woman boards the subway and meets a panhandler who's begging for love rather than money.
Outside the bar, she comes upon a guy who does keep looking at her, a beardy panhandler, slumped against the building clutching a brown paper bag and a tin cup.
出了酒吧,女服务员遇见个一直盯着她看的乞丐。 这个乞丐胡须茂盛,蹲靠着墙,手里攥着茶色纸袋和锡制杯子。
Who They are: Panhandler colleagues walk the line between performing at their job and hunting for constant recognition. They are time-stealing attention seekers desperate for continuous praise.