I felt very happy to receive praise.
I answer (in English) honestly, and I receive praise for my honesty.
It is a pity that my granddaughter did not receive praise from her master.
This character can only be played by Jang Hyuk and he should receive praise as the actor of the next generation.
Positive reinforcement of carries a strong message to your child. Children who receive praise for good ACTS try harder to behave.
Reward your child's good behavior. Positive reinforcement of carries a strong message to your child. Children who receive praise for good ACTS try harder to behave.
It's nice to be able to give praise effectively; it means a lot to people to receive sincere praise — even people more mature than I.
Let the world, instead, approach me with praise and may I have the wisdom to receive it in humility.
Praise is always nice to receive, but criticism can often be so much more useful.
It wouldn’t be such a good feeling – even if you could keep the lie going, and continue to receive the praise.
他提到,假设人们误认为你做了某事而赞扬了你, 事实上你知道你根本没有做,但你却会感觉良好,且宁愿不去戳破谎言,继续享受赞扬;
So when your children consistently follows though on their chores, such as cleaning their room, they should receive verbal praise, a hug and even an occasional small reward.
Keep a list of your big accomplishments, and any praise you receive, and highlight them the next time you request a raise.
An honest man will receive neither money nor praise; these is not his due.
Yet, never will I proclaim my accomplishments. Let the world, instead, approach me with praise and may I have the wisdom to receive it in humility.
But when these same people receive excellent service or are treated especially kind, they seldom offer praise.
An honest man will receive neither money nor praise; that is not his due.
The highest praise a woman can receive is from God himself.
Praise it, in this happy New Year, everyone will receive a part of their own wealth.
He have receive ample praise for the work he do.
Please promptly after you receive confirmation with the recharge and praise in order to store the back rope of funds, thank you!
Someone who gives an expensive gift often feels that he should receive more praise than if he had given a less expensive gift.
Customers receive the praise and appreciation.
For your double confusion and shame, they shall praise their part: therefore shall they receive double in their land, everlasting joy shall be unto them.
Let the world; instead, approach me with praise and may I have the wisdom to receive it in humility.
When I have nothing to do at home in the summer vacation, I heard that the school organized some summer activities, the people who participated would receive additional praise for the final grade.
那年暑假我在家很无聊,没什么事做。 听说学校组织一些暑期活动,参加者会受到额外的奖励,并计入期末最终考评。