1 词典释义:
training mission
时间: 2025-02-04 17:27:19
英 [ˈtreɪnɪŋ ˈmɪʃ(ə)n]
美 [ˈtreɪnɪŋ ˈmɪʃən]


  • Good, but in this training mission you can't switch to the Pacific Map.


  • Less coaches can effectively control the training and complete the training mission.


  • The men were in diving gear; the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade claimed they were on a training mission.

    这些人当时携带潜水设备。 阿克萨烈士旅声称他们当时正在训练。

  • This positions your organization to successfully handle the complexity of a major project rather than treating it as a training mission.


  • You have the option to choose either the training mission or the combat mission, if you're smart you'll do the training mission first.


  • A military jet on a training mission from the USS Abraham Lincoln crashed into a San Diego neighbourhood, killing four people on the ground.


  • Ye Guangfu made his first public appearance on Wednesday, just after completing an underground training mission deep in an Italian cave.


  • The European Union's police training mission, always inadequate, is struggling to find staff to increase its contingent from about 200 to 400.


  • "Today I have once again urged Allies and partners to contribute to our training mission," said NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.


  • That's what happened to Sean Halsted one day when he fell 40 feet to the ground while fast-roping from a helicopter during a training mission at Hurlburt Field, Fla.


  • One moonless night, while flying a routine training mission over the Pacific, I wondered what the sky would look like from 84,000 feet if the cockpit lighting were dark.

    一个看不到月亮的夜晚,我们在太平洋上空执行一次常规训练。 我当时突发奇想:如果把舱内灯光调暗的话,夜空会是什么样呢?

  • We will hand over responsibility when the Afghans are actually capable to take responsibility, and this is also a reason why I attach such strong importance to our training mission.


  • Training physical education teachers should be teachers Colleges of the most fundamental task, and sports institutions should assume more high-level training mission, and other coaches.


  • The new plan shifts the emphasis of the U.S. mission to training and increasing the size of the Afghan security forces, so they can eventually take responsibility for their country's security.


  • It also provides mission critical control systems, and associated tested and training technologies for maritime, joint, special warfare and information operation domains.


  • He was living in Russia before his launch three weeks ago from Kazakhstan, training for this six-month space station mission.


  • Typical applications include civil and military simulation and training, mission planning, scientific and medical visualization, architectural design, and energy exploration.


  • The full-fidelity simulators offer a realistic depiction of various flying conditions that allows for comprehensive mission flight crew planning and intensive training.


  • During his first mission, he tests the mettle of his new training by bringing down a spider droid.


  • A different aspect to the urban-training scenario offered by Lockheed: "live, virtual and constructive mission domains," the statement says.


  • So, if you still want to keep on doing your treadmills/bikes and cardio burn classes without weight training, and continue your impossible mission for a lean and toned physique, go for it!

    (皮包骨就是没有肌肉,到处都是脂肪和骨头),也因此,如果你还想继续骑脚踏车和上燃脂课程却又不进行体能训练的话,那么就别想要一个苗条而又健康的身体了。 这样,你还想继续下去吗?

  • The 50,000 American troops remaining in Iraq have as their mission now the training and support of Iraq's own forces.


  • This involved a gruelling eight-month training regime in Russia's Star City, so that Mr Shuttleworth could accompany cosmonauts on a Soyuz mission to the International Space Station.

    在俄罗斯星城 基地进行了一次极其紧张为期8个月的全面培训后,Shuttleworth先生才能够陪同宇航员在一次联盟号飞船发射任务中登上国际空间站。

  • "The intent of basic training is to get folks up to the proficiency they need to begin mission-specific training," says Duane Ross, NASA's manager for astronaut candidate selection and training.

    “基础训练的目的是要使他们能够熟练到可以进行特定任务的训练,”国家宇航局宇航员候选人挑选和训练的经理杜安·罗斯(Duane Ross)说到。