There is a lively question-and-answer session in the lecture.
During the question-and-answer session, an audience member made some interesting points.
After wrapping up with a question-and-answer session, Palin showed a picture of her son to the audience.
Rumsfeld unwittingly brought the roof down on his head with his response to an American soldier at a question-and-answer session in Kuwait.
There's no real way around the initial question-and-answer session, but how can you avoid sounding like you're interviewing your date for a job?
Don't make the mistake of letting the interview become a one-way question-and-answer session, which is bound to be too much about you and not enough about the interviewer.
But when asked during a question-and-answer session about gay marriage, Mr Beebe said he did not think the state would ever pass a law like New York's allowing gay marriage.
Outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair revealed Friday that he had worn the same pair of shoes to his weekly question-and-answer session in parliament since he became the country's leader.
He just waited for the question and answer session, and then smoothly dismissed the allegations; "baseless" and "absurd", he said.
He began to hold quarterly town hall meetings that end with a question and answer session for employees.
Aides say he will take part in a question and answer session conducted, in part, on the Internet.
My worries above were at least partly raised by other people in the very good question and answer session at CERN after the seminar, but the answers were not (yet) complete in my opinion.
"This is tough, the work that they do," Mr. Obama said then, during a televised question-and - answer session on CNBC. "they've been at it for two years."
It's a fair question, and there's a lot more to the answer than I can usually provide in a short briefing session.
Gates visited the soldiers here and held a question and answer session with them.
A job interview is incomplete without a question and answer session that has you doing the asking.
As the quick-fire question and answer session came to an end, Justin again took centre stage, asking the fans whether number 19 is coming home this season.
The 40 minutes presentation will be followed by interactive question and answer session.
In addition, a daily question and answer session with the experts from the participating companies will furnish insight into technical challenges and perspectives related to the Chinese region.
Before we finish, I am planning a question and discussion session – and to answer your questions we have a panel made up of the members of the DBO Task Group.
The teachings consisted of four sessions, morning and afternoon and included a question-and-answer period at the end of each session.
After he finished his report, Mr. Ding Zhaozhong also held a question and answer session with students and faculty.
The company's prepared remarks will be followed by a question and answer session, which will be limited to questions from financial analysts and institutional investors.