She returned to Shanghai, where she became acquainted with many well-known writers.
The cafe was well-known writers, thinkers and artists converge, even their unique studio, is the birthplace of many masterpieces.
Today, even writers who are fairly well-known often have to do other work to supplement their writing income.
The story is based on events that were well known among writers and also in wider circles in Tirana.
This approach makes use of the "waterfall effect" well-known in journalism where writers try to give their readers an instant idea about the topic they're reporting.
New writers usually cannot convince large, prestigious publishers that their work is marketable, so they must first publish with smaller, less well-known presses to establish a sales record.
The great writers of aphorisms read as if they had all known each other well. - Elias Canetti, Leo.
It seems that the current writers are not very well-known, right?
Writers are well-known for their powers of invention and imagination.
The well-known story emerged in the decades following the experiment as textbook writers adopted a particular retelling.
Who are the well-known twentieth-century English writers?
Every week well known writers bring you the latest teenage love stories.
As one of the well-known contemporary writers in China, Jia Pingwa won a successive series of prizes abroad with some of his masterpieces, which has caused great sensation both at home and abroad.
中国当代作家贾平凹的一些主要作品在国外连获大奖,引起巨大反响。 西方读者对其作品的解读与国内部分评论家的见解相似,和作家本人的原创思维也基本吻合。