He smiled paternally at them.
《牛津词典》"This is not the sort of night for small animals to be out," he said paternally.
The resulting fetuses consisted of either mostly paternally or mostly maternally expressed genes.
Part I Expression of PEGS in GliomasPEG3 (Paternally Expressed Gene 5) is an imprinted gene of which only the paternal allele is expressed.
Paternally imprinted genes may have particularly free rein in males, Kono's team reasoned, and may govern traits such as living fast and dying young.
For the litter size, estimates of the proportion of total variance accounted for by paternally and maternally transmitted gametes were 1.1% and 2.3% respectively.
Paleaokarst might be classified, paternally as karst trace, karst cave, karst pore and cave, vertically as surface karst belt, seepage flow karst belt and underflow karst belt.
Autism is characterized by high birth weight, which one might expect if autism were caused by an overly paternally influenced brain, given the link between imprinting and growth-regulating genes.