A cactus bee (Diadasia sp.) pollinates a barrel cactus in Tucson, Arizona.
Photograph by Mark W. Moffett – With a vigorous quiver, an Arizona sweat bee “buzz pollinates” a deadly nightshade flower.
Photograph by Mark W. Moffett - With a vigorous quiver, an Arizona sweat bee "buzz pollinates" a deadly nightshade flower.
It pollinates 90 commercialcrops worldwide, including most fruit and vegetables – from apples tocarrots – alfalfa for cattle feed, nuts, oil-seed rape and cotton.
蜜蜂为全球90种商业农作物授粉,包括多数水果和蔬菜,从苹果到胡萝卜、 喂牛的苜蓿、坚果、油菜和棉花。