Have fun at reform school.
School officials concluded that he had violated their zero-tolerance policy on weapons, and Zachary was suspended and now faces 45 days in the district's reform school.
Punishment for juvenile misdemeanor offenses can range from probation to reform school depending on the seriousness of the crime and if there was any prior criminal behavior.
That's why school reform is so critical.
It is very important for the school newspaper reform plan to meet your approval.
The school made this reform because they wanted to offer students easier ways to study and more chances to discuss.
The main tasks of the reform are to unify title systems of primary and secondary school teachers and set up senior titles.
As Robert Blendon, of the Harvard School of Public health, points out, the war against health reform in 2010 has not been an interest-group battle.
Deeping teaching reform is an important task for school physical teaching at present. This essay probes into the design and practice of the best plan in physical teaching process.
Principal as instructional leader: the principal is the leader of school instructional reform.
Deeping teaching reform is an important task for school physical teaching at present.
Implement the direction in which the credit system has already become present teaching management system reform of vocational school.
With the reform of secondary vocational school teaching deepening, almost all schools have broken the traditional teaching mode, and pursued integration of teaching.
It is essential for teaching materials in school teaching reform to choose media in order to improve the teaching and to optimize the teaching process.
In terms of teaching management: only when the school leaders support the teaching reform and each link of teaching is coordinated can the teaching reform be successful.
Most people think should be increased education funding, creating a good school environment, school reform, improve the social status of teachers, etc.
The implementation of performance pay reform in compulsory education school is an "ice-breaking" move in China, and the emergence of problems and contradictions is inevitable.
Trends of elt reform in junior school: eyes from the changes of the English tests for senior school entrance.
A study on teaching reform of Affiliated School of Competitive Sports of Wuhan Institute of P. e.
Holt became a sought - after speaker and supporter of school reform.
School physical education reform is an important part of teaching, order to comply with the PE teaching trend, Anhui, Physical Education Reform in full swing.
With the reform of school physical education, sports extension has also changed.
Combining the teaching practice, the author simply points out the concrete measures and suggestion for the vocational school computer teaching reform.
During the current school reform, the parents involvement is neglected by the decision-makers and executants to some extent.
The opening school's affairs to public is once profound reform and change, which is to aim at long-term formative close paternalistic administrant system in primary school.
Then, this thesis explores the approach to improve this question type and the reform of English reading and expressing teaching in high school.
Under the condition of knowledge economy, with the overall rebuilding of educational and management system, the reform of school management will be a trend.
Power source is the source of strength, positive force guiding the school reform is the main source of strength to enhance the quality of the school.
What is the characteristic of Chinese school leadership practice under current educational reform?
Signed with Zhejiang University to jointly promote the comprehensive reform municipal urban and rural school cooperation agreement.