With his thumb up, he expressed his thank to me repeatedly.
I'm just standing here with my thumb up my butt.
He thumb up to his mate of the fantastic passing.
The right hand is extended, thumb up and palm flat.
You hold your shears with a tight grip in a thumb up position.
If you liked this post, please give it a thumb up in StumbleUpon.
The captain spread his hand open, the thumb up and fingers outspread as when you make shadow pictures. There was a shadow from his hand on the wall.
You need not feel nervous at all when a Chinese holds up his or her thumb up to you, for it is a Chinese way to show one's approval and appreciation.
I like to finish art works together with my good friends. I can draw what ever I am thinking about or tell that to my daddy and mummy. And they often frankly thumb up to me!
Normal vector points up. Imagine that you put your thumb along c, your index towards s and then your middle finger points up.
He reached up to stroke my cheek once quickly with his thumb, his face curious.
She stooped down, picked the fish up carefully between forefinger and thumb and threw it into the river.
Say when you're at the front of C prime, your thumb points to the right, your index points up because that's where the surface is, and then your middle finger will point out.
TrewGear's big thumb logo is starting to show up a lot more at ski resorts on the West Coast.
The investment bank has come up with an interesting rule of thumb on recessions.
Begin turning counterclockwise and slowly bring the hoop up over your head, flipping it over your thumb as you shift your hand so the fingers are pointing up.
When you slide the screen up to reveal the thumb keyboard, there's no spring-assisted snap; it drags like a plow through soil.
Once the system is set up, the use of thumb drives will be banned thoroughly.
When your interview is over, FOLLOW UP! Send a follow up e-mail as soon as possible, a few hours later or the next day are good rules of thumb, regardless of if you think it went well.
面试结束后,一定要及时跟进! 无论你觉得面试情况如何,在几小时后或第二天发送一封询问后续进展的电邮都是很好的求职习惯。
Send a follow up E-mail as soon as possible, a few hours later or the next day are good rules of thumb, regardless of if you think it went well.
Divvying up an onscreen keyboard into left - and -righthand sides to make for easier thumb-typing is a very old idea.
A rule of thumb: If your baby has symptoms that worry you, don't just chalk it up to teething.
There are all sorts of reasons for different biases and finally is it based on an informal heuristic or an informal rule of thumb that just won't stand up to scrutiny here.
What this rule of thumb tries to accomplish is to give a downstream component the opportunity to time out on a request before a component further up the call stack does.