To coat or treat with zinc; galvanize.
To galvanize or plate (metal) by immersion.
'电镀'。' '通过浸泡镀涂金属。
But the worst attack on American soil serves to galvanize the nation.
It is more usual to complete the weldment first and then to galvanize it.
It is more usual to complete the weldment first and then to galvanize it.
Instead, they must galvanize a group of people around their idea or goal.
How can we galvanize the students into taking the responsibility for their work?
The announcement of the general election galvanize the party member into action.
Last words crystallize your thoughts, galvanize your message, and mobilize your audience.
The Paris agreement should help galvanize global efforts and encourage broad participation.
It helped galvanize a movement led by women that would help make our society a more equal place.
Quick: Don't need to weld and galvanize, the setting time is 3 times quicker than the flange connect fitting.
To help galvanize public support — especially around a complex issue — the right picture really can be worth a thousand words.
Top-down leaders may achieve near-term results, but only authentic leaders can galvanize the entire organization to sustain long-term performance.
Because that tragedy helped galvanize the labor movement's fight to improve working conditions, it is still remembered on International Women's Day.
And unlike in the past, carry traders now have options, as central Banks worldwide have hammered down rates in a concerted effort to galvanize the economy.
The dedicated Rotarians who develop dynamic project ideas and galvanize other members to action form the backbone of every club, but there are too few of them.
Yonemura’s bulletins helped to galvanize an international relief effort, led by the United States, that saved thousands from near-certain death or prolonged misery.
It was only through major change, a full disruption to the system, that we were able to galvanize the organization around new goals and begin seeing increased efficiencies.
That could galvanize the flight of capital from emerging markets that has already destabilized, for example, Mexico (the peso is as weak as its been in over 20 years).
Our company manufactures and sales all kinds of the nails, such as lined nails, Plastic strip nail, galvanize nails, popular coil nails, concrete nails, screw nails and so on.
Our company located at the Shandong Qingdao Huangdao District, main business cold rolling volume, hot rolling volume, pot galvanize, electricity galvanization and stainless steel.