Marketing can be defined through various perspectives, such as selling orientation, production orientation and marketing orientation.
In addition, an introduction is made to the production and application of EM preparations, with the orientation and prospect of the study in future forecasted.
Establishing the safe and utility orientation system of the mine personnel in coal pit is of great significance for improving the safe production management of the coal pit.
The 4installation of the laser orientation light, can accurately indicate the buttoning part, improve the production efficiency, the laser lamp brightness can be adjusted.
Attention was paid on how to lower the production costs in the processing of thermosetting plastics, which covered the fiber orientation, removal of burr and sprue runner material loss.
The producer service industries can introduce technology into production process, promote social division of labor, and influence orientation of technology innovation.
The combination of production, teaching and research has various forms, each with its own advantage, but all of them are facing the problem of proper orientation.
Text orientation analysis for a given kind of production becomes research hotspot now.
Economic formation is changing from production-orientation to consumption - orientation, which requires for starting the market and stimulating the consumption demand in objective.
Provide final inspection and analysis record to Production Dept and Manufacturing Engineering Dept. as an orientation for quality improvement.
Quality orientation: Offer good quality product by standardised production line.
The orientation information conflict can induce the production of N270.
Tan Kah-kee architecture, a production of multiple cultures, takes on a humanism value orientation and a deep cultural connotation and has outstanding regional characters and personalities.
The economic law value orientation of the new bankruptcy law lies in the socialized production.
And the corporation's own orientation is also considered to get optimal operations with the weights on total cost, purchase cost, production cost, logistics cost and customer's satisfaction.
In practice, to demonstrate the features as specialization of production, layout regionalization, business integration, and to serve by community-orientation.
Orientation, Course Experiment (Practice), Production Practice, Social Practice in Summer, Military Training, Courses Thesis, and Graduation Thesis.
Principle: Market As Orientation, Production As Focus, Efficient As Target.
Participate the orientation of the products, production line design and channel negotiation.
Secondly, the method to plan and arrange production belongs to control in experience orientation; therefore the contraction between supply and demand isn't likely to be solved.