As with any study of this kind, it was unclear if that was the cause—or if breakfast-skippers were just more likely to be overweight to begin with.
But as with any study of this kind, it was unclear if that was the cause—or if breakfast-skippers were just more likely to be overweight to begin with.
This is a great option for less experienced skippers.
Fall Color, Skippers Canyon, Central Otago, New Zealand.
River of Gold, Skippers Canyon, Central Otago, New Zealand.
Shotover River, Skippers Canyon, Central Otago, New Zealand.
This course is aimed at skippers wishing to make coastal passages by both day and night.
Most skippers are flexible enough to allow the customers as much involvement as they wish.
One of the skippers recalls how she was' lusted after 'by male deckhands, but was very adept at turning down their advances.
One of the skippers recalls how she was 'lusted after' by male deckhands, but was very adept at turning down their advances.
For example, suppose breakfast skippers have a personality trait that makes them more likely to gain weight than breakfast eaters.
In many places the rules are simply ignored. Illegal fishing thrives, landings go unmonitored, skippers keep two sets of logbooks, officials are bribed.
Breakfast skippers, they say, risk skimping on important nutrients. They also tend to binge later on, actually increasing their risk of gaining weight.
The meal skippers had elevated fasting glucose levels and a delayed insulin response -conditions that, if they persisted long term, could lead to diabetes.
The meal skippers had elevated fasting glucose levels and a delayed insulin response - conditions that, if they persisted long term, could lead to diabetes.
The meal skippers had elevated fasting glucose levels and a delayed insulin response - conditions that, if they persisted long term, could lead to diabetes.
Buyers inspect the freshly-landed ice-packed fish, and boat skippers look on anxiously as the auctioneer briskly sells some 4, 000 40-kilogram boxloads each day.
买家们精挑细选着刚捕来的还裹着冰的鱼。 鱼贩们兴致勃勃地卖着鱼,他们每天要卖的鱼共约4000箱左右,每箱都是满满的40千克,而船长们则在一旁看得心急如焚。
It keeps you slim: breakfast eaters are less likely to be overweight than breakfast skippers, and successful dieters are also more likely to be breakfast eaters.
He noted that the scouts and skippers who had awful track records, which would ordinarily prevent them from getting another job in any field, were continually rehired by other clubs.