1 词典释义:
more sage
时间: 2024-12-26 08:07:28


  • Added more sage words and stories.


  • In the distance to the east, our cliff top fanned out into an arid square mile of Indian grass, prickly pear, and more sage.


  • You may feel as I did in 1999 that the more smart people around the table the more intros you'll have, the more sage advice you'll receive and the more impressive you'll seem to outsiders.


  • Stephen Friend, whose nonprofit organized the the Sage Congress (click here to see the presentations), says the push toward making data more widely available is being driven by patients.

    组织非营利的鼠尾草医学会议(Sage Congress)的斯蒂芬•福廉德(Stephen Friend)说,是患者推动了数据的更广泛利用。

  • But giving sage advice to the young has never been a simple task, and when a parent's own history is brought up, it gets even more complicated.


  • So this is also so with sweet sage oil, which is perhaps more pleasing to the smell.


  • The Buddha's enlightenment is of course a very individual path and so it resonates more strongly; likewise the idea of saving oneself through the 'wisdom' of a Hindu sage.


  • Written by mei hand in photograph reflect with the snow, far looks like a sage like type of old man in the face of smile, more recently, like a fairy dressed in colorful dress to leave.


  • One after another of these finite categories leaves the soul unsatisfied, and the Oriental sage is pelled unceasingly to seek for more and more of such predicates.


  • Which should be more disreputable? Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage.


  • China has always had the tradition of showing great respect to the teachers and, accordingly, expects much more out of the role and action of the teachers, to the extent of a sage.
