One of the worst mass bleaching events in history occurred in 1998 — which was also one of the hottest years on record, and like 2010, an El Nio year.
Warmer sea temperatures caused by climate change and periodic El Nio events have caused large areas of coral to be wiped out in so-called "bleaching" events.
This is the first difference from NIO.
The NIO endpoint works entirely different.
First, you need to know a little about NIO.
Follow these steps to create the NIO connector.
There are several challenges to using NIO. These are.
Overview of the Different End-Points - Servlet and nio.
NIO channels can be asynchronously closed and interrupted.
In Part 2, you'll learn about the NIO.2 file system API.
在第二部分中,您将有机会了解NIO . 2文件系统api。
It may encourage the further adoption of NIO on Web servers.
The new input/output (NIO) library was introduced with JDK 1.4.
新的输入/输出 (NIO) 库是在 JDK 1.4 中引入的。
These classes are similar in style to the NIO channel APIs.
The example NIO server was compared to Tomcat 5.0 under heavy load.
示例NIO服务器是在重负载下与Tomcat 5.0进行比较的。
NIO lets you return to the connection later and send additional data.
The client cannot access a NIO endpoint through a client side proxy.
Look for more information on the NIO packages in next month's column.
The NIO framework can be used to build powerful server side application.
NIO gives you more control over buffer management — by letting you run it!
The bottom line is that NIO servers still need threads, just not quite as many.
In contrast, the NIO-based server's performance degraded in a linear fashion.
The server class holds the multiplexer loop, the heart of any NIO-based server.
NIO servers are relieved of this and therefore can scale to larger Numbers of users.
More importantly, by using the NIO package it is possible to access a file as a CharSequence.
更重要的是,通过使用 NIO 包,将一个文件作为 CharSequence 进行访问是可能的。
We have not yet started adding NIO.2 support to JRuby's core classes, but that will come soon.
This tutorial is intended for any programmer who wants to learn more about the JDK 1.4 NIO library.
本教程是为希望学习更多关于 JDK 1.4 NIO 库的知识的所有程序员而写的。
Tomcat uses NIO (Non-blocking IO) to keep the connection alive without wasting the waiting threads.
Tomcat 使用 NIO(无阻塞 IO)来保持连接活动,无需浪费等待中的线程。
You'll also learn about things you can only do with NIO, such as asynchronous I/O and direct buffers.
您还会了解只能通过 NIO 来完成的工作,如异步 I/O 和直接缓冲区。
Before you begin with the application, you need to configure the NIO connector in Community Edition.
开始应用程序之前,您需要在Community Edition中配置NIO连接器。
Throughout the tutorial, we'll work with code samples that illustrate different aspects of the NIO library.