Most of these titles have subsequently been attributed, either through the author's own acknowledgment of a previously anonymous or pseudonymous work, or through bibliographical research.
The writings of Mark Twain are pseudonymous.
Of course it's in a letter that probably itself is pseudonymous.
Most of us scholars believe that these letters are pseudonymous.
The weird thing about Revelation,though, is that it's pseudonymous.
They don't tell us who their author is. Notice, they're not pseudonymous.
Pseudonymous means it's published with a false name, a false author attributed.
What else about the letters that you heard might tip you off that they're pseudonymous? Yes sir.
They tend to be pseudonymous, and they are set deep in the past like we saw in the book of Daniel.
A total ban on any action on anonymous pseudonymous complaints to check the culture of blackmail.
I tend to group all three of them together as being probably by the same author and all being pseudonymous.
Communication patterns are also affected by whether participants' identities are known, anonymous, or pseudonymous.
In my mind I'm thinking okay if you want to write a pseudonymous letter and claim to be Paul, how do you make it convincing?
If you feel the need for that kind of content segregation, considerwhether to make that other blog pseudonymous (something I don’t recommend butthat is sometimes necessary).
如果你觉得有些内容需要区别对待,你可以考虑匿名发表这些内容。 (虽然我不建议这样做,但有时候不得不这样做。)
Sometimes if you're writing a pseudonymous letter you'll put a reference saying, well now some people have been circulating pseudonymous letters by me and I condemn them for it.
A financial institution shall not provide any service to or have trade with any client who cannot clarify his identity or establish any anonymous or pseudonymous account therefor.
But the inevitable consequence of the apocalyptic distrust of everything present was its assumption of the guise of the remote and classic past; in other words, its pseudonymous character.
A financial institution shall not provide any service to or have any business transaction with a client whose identity is unclear or open any anonymous or pseudonymous account for a client.