The faeries, boat, you do not cross or crossing?
Its role is to carry faeries from place to place.
They were faeries, and had stolen her as a wife for the chief of their band.
They were faeries, although not the kind from books, paintings, and the movies.
She said the faeries had taken her away a great distance, riding on a faery horse.
Even a fox will lick its hindquarters, but some of the faeries were the dirtiest beasts.
I asked him had he ever seen the faeries, and got the reply, "Am I not annoyed with them?"
Three of the faeries approached to take away my empty dishes; another brought me a pair of trousers.
The faeries welcomed me as their own and taught me the ways of the woods, and I grew fond of them all.
If we could love and hate with as good heart as the faeries do, we might grow to be long-lived like them.
There was at once great excitement in the neighbourhood, because it was rumoured that the faeries had taken her.
The other faeries sat together in bunches, huddled against the cold, and let the snow coat them, mad and exposed stoics.
By the Hospital Lane goes the "Faeries Path." Every evening they travel from the hill to the sea, from the sea to the hill.
Seated above on rocks and stumps and surrounding me were the faeries, as they called themselves, quietly talking together as if I were not even there.
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If the moth-hunter would throw down his net, and go hunting for ghost tales or tales of the faeries and such-like children of Lillith, he would have need for far less patience.
A short while ago, they say, two faeries, little creatures, one like a young man, one like a young woman, came to a farmer's house, and spent the night sweeping the hearth and setting all tidy.