But these are riffs rather than an entire concerto.
Really cheesy guitar riffs playing over the speakers.
He was humming again, doing little scat riffs around the melody.
Metal sanded away most of the blues influences and leaving the powerful, loud guitar riffs.
Typically, guitar riffs make use of fast tremolo picking, and heavy palm muting for a percussive effect.
It's like playing riffs on the guitar: You let loose and some wild stuff comes out and some of it is pretty cool.
My husband and I had been having our difficulties, nothing major, but the little riffs that happen during a marriage.
It riffs on the river's transient qualities as an analogy to the impermanence of human emotion, experience, and life.
The director weaves a mythic, self-contained universe that riffs on biology, cinema, architecture and American history.
My first impression is that I love the tune, with some killer guitar riffs and some heavy beats, but I am not a fan of the vocals.
It's a packed bill full of electric sounds, dreamy riffs, and manic energy - and the perfect way to kick off the Autumn season! !
My style is as deeply influenced by Charlie Parker’s repeated freewheeling riffs, say, as by F. Scott Fitzgerald’s elegantly flowing prose.
Fast, dark minor-key riffs and fierce solos were complimented with fast drumming, creating a style that would catch on in tape trading circles.
What follows, it seems to me, is one of the most staggeringly beautiful, wonderful, amazing riffs on a passage of literature that you can encounter.
With the veritable explosion of grain bowls for breakfast, I predict that 2017 will see a deluge of riffs on the trend, specifically in the hot and savory department.
It's a musicians thing. No blood, just a little hate. Real hate, under the skin. It riffs like you never heard, It could last all night sometimes, at the end, one would win.
Their music can be defined as a canto-rock heavily influenced by heavy metal and hard rock, juxtaposing catchy female vocal melodies with heavy metal guitar riffs and solos.
One theory is that the recent El Nino epidemic is simply one of nature's climatic riffs, but that we haven't been hearing the tune long enough to recognize the change in key.
It combines ambiance, atmosphere, and aggression to form a unique style of heavy music which leans away from the traditional elements of choruses, verses, repetitive vocals or riffs.