The highest expression of empathy is accepting and nonjudgmental.
Cultivating a nonjudgmental awareness of the present bestows a host of benefits.
I think the main ingredient is that she is nonjudgmental. She accepts people the way they are.
It is important to be nonjudgmental and avoid statements such as "It can't be that bad" or "You would never do that."
You can remind yourself to notice your thoughts in a nonjudgmental manner, without trying to change or alter them right away.
In their company, Tom and Gerri are patient, kind and nonjudgmental, offering advice and encouragement and overlooking behavior that might make less generous spirits cringe.
在与玛丽和肯恩相处时,汤姆和格里不厌其烦,宽容大度且不偏不倚。 他们俩给予了玛丽和肯恩建议和鼓舞,并且忽视了那些会使不那么宽容大量的人心生退意的行为。
If you have a co-worker who you suspect may be showing signs of Alzheimer's, sitting down with the person and expressing your concern in a nonjudgmental fashion can be helpful.
I tried to reassure Robert, pointing out that the young man their daughter had picked out seemed to be a relaxed, nonjudgmental sort of person — a trait he Shared with her own mother.