The lock-out could resume if no new contract agreement is signed.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》The question is, when the lock-out is looming, how long will next season be?
Each lock-out lock shall bear the name of the employee to whom it has been assigned.
This is called account lock-out, and not surprisingly, attackers have discovered a simple way to defeat the approach.
Thus, low voltage protection devices, served as lock-out protection reserve will also have characters uf inverse time-lag.
Ford is also taking the proactive step to 'lock-out' capabilities that are not relevant to the task of driving while the vehicle is in motion.
San Antonio Spurs star Tony Parker recently made headlines by announcing he'd play for the French basketball team he partly owns during the NBA lock-out for $2, 000 a month.
NBA圣安东尼奥马刺队(San Antonio Spurs)球星托尼•帕克的名字近日频繁见诸各大报端头条。 原因是他宣布在NBA停摆期间将以月薪2,000美元转投一支法国篮球队。
Pull it out quickly, pressing against the top of the lock cylinder while gently turning your wrench.
George took out a bunch of keys and went to work on the complicated lock.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Lock them every time you go out, lock them at night.
Lock up all the doors before you go out.
I can't lock them out because it's not my room to lock.
Sticking to these tips should ensure that you do not lock yourself out of your own system.
Lock escalation also occurs if the lock list runs out of space.
Based on the configuration parameters, the failed logon attempts lock out the user from the system and are shown in the server console (see figure 10).
We think that languages - for whatever reasons - polarize a lot and with a 'one size fits all' approach you always lock out millions of developers.
So easy, in fact, that when I first ran it on a test LPAR, I managed to lock myself out completely!
Use another one because the lock is out of order.
However this isn't a good solution because it may lock out the other threads from being able to have fair access.
It also planned to lock out employees who were members of the unions covering international pilots, ground engineers and baggage handlers.
If any OP abuses his power—if he fails to heed what anons call “the hive mind” in IRC conversations— the other OPs can lock him out of the chat.
Sure, you can lock hoarders out of their homes while you forcibly throw away the trash.
Conversely, if an exclusive lock was able to be acquired, concurrent applications would not be able to access the file and could fail with a lock time-out.
Green believes the best way to improve GPS driving safety would be to "lock out destination entry while the [navigational] system is in use."
This could lock out some smaller companies, and some developers might be wary about completely trusting Google with all of their data.
Lotus Domino 7 also allows you to lock out a user account and to force a password change on next authentication.
Lotus Domino 7也允许锁定用户帐户并在下一次身份验证时强制更改口令。
Lock the parents out, cut a rug, twist and shout.