What is an SLR?
Bring a cable release and a digital SLR camera.
Emergence of low-cost "prosumer" digital SLR cameras.
低成本“ prosumer ”数码单反相机的涌现。
Smaller, lighter and usually quieter than equivalent SLR.
I just don’t like how an SLR is big and heavy and obtrusive.
Ah, well then I'd recommend a nice entry-level digital SLR.
Most SLR cameras use circular polarizers due to the use of beamsplitters.
Electronic viewfinders usually larger than entry-level SLR optical viewfinders.
This is a book written mostly for people with SLR cameras (film or digital).
What kind of camera are you looking for, single lens reflex(SLR) or snapshot cameras?
The basic physical design of the SLR has remained essentially unchanged for over half a century.
It raises the performance bar about 20 years ahead of every other ultra-wideangle SLR lens.
它提高了性能限制是20年之前 , 所有其他超广角单反镜头。
My first love in photography when I first got my trusty old Minolta SLR as a teenager was landscapes.
As you probably know, most DSLR's (and most any kind of SLR, digital or not) have a maximum flash sync speed.
This concept takes design inspiration from the SLR supercar and some other car that is rather odd, presumably.
This price range can also buy you a pretty good, entry-level digital SLR with an interchangeable kit lens.
In part one of this series you kicked your digital SLR camera's auto mode to the curb with the help of program mode.
Even an unfamiliar SLR camera can produce rotten shots. Be sure to set your camera to Bulb mode for maximum exposure.
With the lightning season approaching, it's time to start practicing your techniques and getting familiar with your SLR camera.
The "dovetail" camera plate is Manfrotto's most compact quick release system, suitable for compact up to light SLR cameras.
Unless you're shopping for a digital SLR and already have some old compatible lenses, your brand options for cameras are wide open.
In the winter of 2003, the Canon Digital Rebel (a 6.3 mega pixel prosumer digital SLR camera) became available at a price under $1, 000.
2003年冬,佳能的Digital Rebel(630万像素prosumer数字单反相机)低于1000美元就能买到。
In Europe, Maybach 62 is more expensive than SLRMcLaren, but in the U.S. market, SLR is slightly more expensive than the Maybach 62.
Although any SLR can be used in simple 'point and shoot' mode, some models go a lot further in helping you get the right shot than others.
This is a little easier if you have an SLR camera, but it can also be done with a point and shoot if you can manually adjust your exposure.
Study Design. This study is aimed to investigate the changes of nerve root functions during the straight leg raising (SLR) test in vivo.
The Nikon D3100 Digital SLR Camera features a 14.2 MP sensor, a deeper ISO range for low light photography and full 1080p HD video recording.
尼康d 3100数码单反照相机具备1420万像素的传感器、更广泛的ISO调节范围(适于微光拍摄)以及1080 P全高清视频拍摄功能。
Objective. To investigate the relationship between nerve root movement and the electrophysiological values during an intraoperative SLR test.