1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-01 09:32:09
英 [ˈeɪmɪs]
美 [ˈeɪmɪs]

n. 阿美族;阿美族人;阿美语

abbr. (AMIS)农业管理信息系统(agricultural management information system)

  • The critics compared his work to that of Martin Amis.


  • Amis tells the story in reverse, from the moment the man dies.


  • Amis.php - Lists all the amis owned by your account.


  • Can I cluster my AMIs for performance and load balancing?


  • The code to create the list of AMIs looks like Listing 3.

    创建A mi列表的代码如清单3所示。

  • This object lets you work with the AMIs stored at Amazon.

    这个对象允许您使用存储在 Amazon 的 AMI。

  • Hasn't Martin Amis written his masterpiece three times already?


  • All AMIs are assigned an identifier by Amazon, such as ami-0bbd5462.

    所有amis都由Amazon分配一个标识符,比如ami - 0bbd 5462。

  • These AMIs let you test your applications on other environments.


  • To develop other SaaS services, you can use IBM AMIs that EC2 will run.

    要开发其他的SaaS服务,可以使用EC2将要运行的IBM AMI。

  • To get around this, you can cache the IDs of the AMIs you want to display.


  • Various flavors of Linux are commonly used as the operating system for AMIs.

    通常使用各种风格的 Linux 作为 AMI 的操作系统。

  • The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the lexical structures of the 'Amis language.


  • But Messrs Amis and Buckley are right to warn about the threat of the "silver tsunami".


  • The ability to enforce rules such that certain users can deploy certain AMIs is important.

    能够实施规则,以让特定用户可以部署某些 AMI 非常重要。

  • This returns a list of more than 100 AMIs, but it will give you some images you can launch.

    这将返回一个超过 100 个 AMI 的列表,但它将给您一些您可以启动的映像。

  • This is the case with AMIs that already have the latest versions of WebSphere running on them.


  • For example, IBM publishes several paid AMIs that let you pay for licensing on an hourly basis.


  • There are thousands of AMIs available at Amazon, most of which are not available to the public.

    在 Amazon 有数千个 AMI,多数 AMI 不公开提供。

  • If you're using one of those AMIs, you're paying a licensing fee as long as the instance is running.


  • AMIs are available from different vendors, such as Amazon, IBM, and Oracle, and also from the community.


  • Amazon charges for paid AMIs, so review the fees and terms of your account very carefully before proceeding.


  • Trois Amis Winery was built in 1995, when Georg Rafael decided to turn his passion into business and make his own wine.


  • Comedy tied together "funny" comics and comics more philosophical, ranging from Amis to Wodehouse via Gogol and Mitford.


  • Those for whom Nabokov is, in the words of Martin Amis, "the laureate of cruelty", see his deathbed decree as peculiarly vexing.

    那些认为纳博科夫是“残忍的桂冠诗人”——用Martin Amis的话来说——的人,看到他的临终判令,特别恼怒。

  • For example, there is a Firefox extension called Elasticfox that can be used to manage and launch AMIs straight from Firefox.


  • Alongside the "Angry Young Men" of post-war literary britain-kingsley Amis, John Osborne and the rest-he cut a different figure.


  • Amazon offers tools for finding, starting, and managing the AMIs using either the command line or the AMI web administration console.

    Amazon使用命令行或者ami web管理控制台为您提供查找、启动和管理amis的工具。

  • If the file doesn't exist, you have to create it; the PHP file also gives the user the option to refresh the list of AMIs if he wants.

    如果该文件不存在,那么您必须创建它;这个PHP文件还允许用户刷新这个A mi列表。

  • In addition to running certain operating systems, some of the AMIs come with application servers, databases, and other configurations.
