It stands for Unidentified Flying Objects.
What did I get from flying objects and a charred soother?
Where (on Earth) have all the unidentified flying objects gone?
What does UFO stand for? It stands for Unidentified Flying Objects.
U FO代表什么呢?它代表不明飞行物。
Some people were reported to have seen Unidentified Flying Objects.
That's the same proportion who believe in unidentified flying objects.
Of course, when it comes to facing flying objects, Bush is in good company.
It's reported that unidentified flying objects were seen over our town last night.
Lastly, budding pilots will love the rockets, space shuttles and other flying objects.
The children wanted to enlarge on what he had said shout the unidentified flying objects.
TV tracker is usually used for the tracking or control of flying objects and moving targets.
The matrix stripes, warping desktop, flying objects, matrix tunnel and other visual effects are included.
Options let you set the rate and density of the leaves as well as the speed of the clouds and flying objects.
Many other people now believe that these strange flying objects are visiting the earth from other worlds in space.
What did I get from flying objects and a charred soother? I learned to value the imperfect parts of my parents, and myself.
The witness said, the orange flying objects they found in the sky of Lincolnshire moved unorderly, and disappeared in the sky at last.
This paper presents the qualitative analyses of the theory of flying objects testing the echo of a motive object out of mixed ground waves.
Despite claims about ancient astronauts and unidentified flying objects, there is no firm evidence for past visitations of the Earth by other civilizations.
Despite claims about ancient astronauts and unidentified flying objects, there is no firm evidence for past visitation of the Earth by other civilizations.
A method of trace and parameter measurement for flying objects is discussed with the GPS and telemetering technique over the range of middle and far distances.
It is said that, in recent three weeks, there were 3 places in Britain where the events of witnessing mysterious flying objects happened, and another happened in Holland.
Virtual instruments are important elements in a virtual scene which contain virtual flying objects or automobiles to provide interactive interface between operators and the scene.
When flying objects with high speed pass through the laser screen, change of light flux is transformed into electronic signal and sampled by data sampling card and processed by computer.
The MoD department, which has dealt with more than 12,000 reports - including 135 last year - was used to assess threats posed by any Unidentified Flying Objects sightings throughout Britain.
英国国防部U FO调查局的工作内容是评估英国境内的U FO目击事件是否构成威胁,该机构自成立以来共受理了超过1.2万次不明飞行物目击报告,其中去年收到报告135例。
A novel Laser screen velocity measuring method with large effective screen area is introduced for some special velocity measuring occasions like wide spreading range or big-size flying objects.
As the fly responded to virtual objects flying around it, the scientists used a fluorescent microscope to watch how its brain processed the images.